jeepers Pam,,,,that stopped my ears up!

dr told me that the tm would aggravate the arthritis in my spine and that 
the  arthritis would aggravate the tm.

and the bees aggravate the birds and the birds aggravate the bees.

but chocolate and peanut butter go well together.

 From: PAMELA S <>
To:;;; TMC Group 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] re pins and needles

Dalton;  I think the back injury is probably more accountable for many of your 
symptoms than TM.  Or maybe TM was a symptom of the back injury.  Norco has 
reduced acetaminophen in it with hydrocodone, but there is still a little bit.  
lyrica didn't do anything for me.  Neurontin or gaberpentin (sic) is 
predecessor or pregabulin Lyrica.  And, there are a lot of people out there who 
develop nasty side effects with the stuff.  I definitely doesn't work for 
everyone.   But, the broken back fits into the category of what used to be 
called Causalgia or now reflex sympathetic  dystrophy.  And, that's a whole 
other animal.  

Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 07:51:59 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

I am truly thankful that we have a variety of things to work with.

just read where possibly next year we will have hydrocodone 
without acetaminophen in it. it will have more hydrocodone but without the 
liver damage.

 From: Dalton Garis <>
To: john snodgrass <>; Bernie <>; TMIC 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles


Your point is well taken.  I also had difficulty going on Lyrica, but I hung in 
there and continued with it because the pain under my skin all over my body 
gave me no choice.  Before Lyrica, I could not sleep or work; I felt as though 
I were being fried with high amperages of electricity.  I could only just lay 
there in awful pain.  And since I had broken my back in an industrial accident 
which bent me backwards until I couldn't see below my chest, I have adjusted 
what I consider to be painful.

The Lyrica killed the pain.  As for getting off it, why would I do that?  Its 
addiction is a mute point for me, since living pain-free is itself addictive; 
so that I would become immediately addicted to whatever removes this awful pain.

(718) 838-0437begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (718) 
838-0437      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
From:  john snodgrass <>
Reply-To:  john snodgrass <>
Date:  Tue, 27 Dec 2011 04:52:09 -0800 (PST)
To:  Bernie <>, Dalton Garis <>, TMIC 
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

I personally had no good experience with it.
>I had no bad experience with it.
>Just another one of those trials for me that didnt help out  
>Somewhere I read where someone else loved it.
> From: Bernie <>
>To: Dalton Garis <>; TMIC <> 
>Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles
>Not trying to scare off anyone considering taking this medication, but one has 
>to be very careful with Lyrica, it has some very nasty side effects. Make sure 
>your doctor starts you on a low dose and that you and your doctor monitor 
>yourself very closely for these. Make a list of all of them and keep it handy. 
>I was put on Lyrica and it made my life horrendous with a lot of misery until 
>they could get me off of it. One also has to be weened off Lyrica, abrupt 
>stopping of the taking of this medication can actually kill you. Here are a 
>couple of links that tells you about Lyrica for you and your doctor to 

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