John. This is a good list.  I would like to have it to copy without re-typing 
it .  It came out (at least in my email) "scrunched" together.  Is there a way 
to resend it in a better form.  Thanks. Gary
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: john snodgrass 
  To: transverse myelitis 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:47 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about TM

  seen this on facebook and didnt know if it was passed to this group or not. A 
list to share with Dr's and family to help inform them about our condition.

  35 Things you probably don't know about TM
  1. It is a cousin disorder to Multiple Sclerosis.
  2. Fairly rare disorder, only 2-5 people per million get it.
  3. Approx. 1400 new cases a year in the U.S.
  4. Roughly 33,000 people with TM in U.S.
  5. Transverse myelitis occurs in adults and children, in both genders, and in 
  6. Can be Acute (happening within hours) or Subacute (happening within days
  or weeks) 
  7. The inflammation that causes such extensive damage to nerve fibers of the
  spinal cord may result from viral infections, abnormal immune reactions, or
  insufficient blood flow through the blood vessels located in the spinal cord.
  Transverse myelitis also may occur as a complication of syphilis, measles,
  Lyme disease, and some vaccinations, including those for chickenpox and
  8. Can be Idiopathic (no known cause)
  9. Typically a one time occurrence but there are some that have recurrent TM.
  10. 10% or better possibility of developing Multiple Sclerosis but the 
possibility is fairly low if there is a normal brain MRI at TM 
  11.Most symptoms of TM are identical to MS
  12.Prevailing difference between TM and MS is that lesions are on spinal 
nerve in
  TM and on Brain in MS.
  13.Transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation 
  both sides of one level, or segment, of the spinal cord. This damage causes
  nervous system scars that interrupt communications between the nerves in
  the spinal cord and the rest of the body.
  14. The inflammation and lesion created, is caused by the bodies own immune
  system attacking the myelin coating of the spinal nerve.
  15.The segment of the spinal cord at which the damage occurs determines which
  parts of the body are affected. Nerves in the cervical (neck) region control
  signals to the neck, arms, hands, and muscles of breathing (the diaphragm).
  Nerves in the thoracic (upper back) region relay signals to the torso and some
  parts of the arms. Nerves at the lumbar (mid-back) level control signals to 
  hips and legs. Finally, sacral nerves, located within the lowest segment of 
  spinal cord, relay signals to the groin, toes, and some parts of the legs. 
  at one segment will affect function at that segment and segments below it. In
  patients with transverse myelitis, demyelination usually occurs at the 
  level, causing problems with leg movement and bowel and bladder control,
  which require signals from the lower segments of the spinal cord.
  16.About one-third of people affected with transverse myelitis experience 
good or
  full recovery from their symptoms; they regain the ability to walk normally
  and experience minimal urinary or bowel effects and paresthesias. Another
  one-third show only fair recovery and are left with significant deficits such 
  spastic gait, sensory dysfunction, and prominent urinary urgency or
  incontinence. The remaining one-third show no recovery at all, remaining
  wheelchair-bound or bedridden with marked dependence on others for basic
  functions of daily living.
  17. Four classic features of transverse myelitis emerge: (1) weakness of the 
  and arms, (2) pain, (3) sensory alteration, and (4) bowel and bladder
  18. Pain is the primary presenting symptom of transverse myelitis in
  approximately one-third to one-half of all patients. The pain may be localized
  in the lower back or may consist of sharp, shooting sensations that radiate
  down the legs or arms or around the torso.
  19. Patients who experience sensory disturbances often use terms such as
  numbness, tingling, coldness, or burning to describe their symptoms.
  20. Up to 80 percent of those with transverse myelitis report areas of 
  sensitivity to touch, such that clothing or a light touch with a finger causes
  significant discomfort or pain (a condition called allodynia).
  21.Many also experience heightened sensitivity to changes in temperature or to
  extreme heat or cold.
  22.Bladder and bowel problems may involve increased frequency of the urge to
  urinate or have bowel movements, incontinence, difficulty voiding, the
  sensation of incomplete evacuation, and constipation.
  23. Body temperature of those with TM is typically lower than a normal person.
  24. Most people with TM have poor circulation even if paralysis is limited.
  25.It is often difficult to distinguish between a patient with an idiopathic 
form of
  transverse myelitis and one who has an underlying condition, therefore the
  diagnosis is often delayed, sometimes for months or years.
  26.Depression is extremely prevalent in patients with TM.
  27.Diagnosed with a neurological examination, MRI of the spinal cord and 
  a spinal tap, evoked potentials, blood tests to rule out potential conditions 
  mimic TM (vitamin B12 deficiency, lyme's disease) and causes such as viruses
  and autoimmune diseases.
  28. Physicians also may perform myelography, which involves injecting a dye 
  the sac that surrounds the spinal cord. The patient is then tilted up and down
  to let the dye flow around and outline the spinal cord while X-rays are taken.
  29.No effective cure currently exists for people with transverse myelitis
  30.Treatments are designed to manage and alleviate symptoms and largely
  depend upon the severity of neurological involvement.
  31. Stem Cell research is currently the only hope for a cure for TM.
  32.Transverse Myelitis is sometimes a “But you don't look sick” condition.
  33. Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) is very common in neurological, TM, Migraines....
  34. Extreme fatigue is a common occurrence in those with Transverse Myelitis.
  35. Transverse Myelitis can possibly affect only one side of the body if the 
TM has been brought on by an onset of Multiple Sclerosis.

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