Hey everyone...
I'm the one that put this list together....and if anyone wants a good copy of 
it...I have it in a PDF file that is nice and easy to print out...

I had never thought about posting it here because I don't post on here much and 
I stay pretty busy with my Facebook group...

 From: Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
To: Roger & Terese Pratt <r.c.pr...@frontier.com>; 'Gary Thomas' 
<gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net>; 'john snodgrass' <jcs...@yahoo.com>; 'transverse 
myelitis' <tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about TM

Thanks, Gary.    THis is great to be able to 
keep on hand.   When people want to know about it, I am sure I forget 
a lot of this.    I will keep it in my purse!
From: Roger & Terese Pratt 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9:42 AM
To: 'Gary Thomas' ; 'john snodgrass' ; 'transverse 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about 
  I just did select all, 
then copy, and pasted it into a word document. – Roger in Kennewick , WA

Thomas [mailto:gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 7:59 
To: john snodgrass; 
transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about 
  John. This is a good 
list.  I would like to have it to copy without re-typing it .  It came 
out (at least in my email) "scrunched" together.  Is there a way to resend 
it in a better form.  Thanks. Gary
----- Original Message ----- 
>From:john snodgrass 
>To:transverse  myelitis 
>Sent:Tuesday,  January 24, 2012 10:47 PM
>Subject:[TMIC] 35  Things you probably don't know about TM
>seen this  on facebook and didnt know if it was passed to this group or not. A 
>list to  share with Dr's and family to help inform them about our  condition.
>35 Things you  probably don't know about TM
>1. It is a cousin disorder to 
  Multiple Sclerosis.   http:// www.hopkinsmedicine.org/ 
neurology_neurosurgery/ specialty_areas/ project_restore/conditions/
  Fairly rare disorder, only 2-5 people per million get it.
>3. Approx.  1400 new cases a year in the U.S.    http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 
>disorders/transversemyelitis/ detail_transversemyelitis.htm
>4. Roughly  33,000 people with TM in U.S.    http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 
>disorders/transversemyelitis/ detail_transversemyelitis.htm
>5.  Transverse myelitis occurs in adults and children, in both genders, and in 
> all
>races.   http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ disorders/transversemyelitis/ 
>6. Can be  Acute (happening within hours) or Subacute (happening within  days
>or weeks) 
>7. The  inflammation that causes such extensive damage to nerve fibers of  the
>spinal cord may result from viral  infections, abnormal immune reactions, or
>insufficient blood flow through the blood vessels  located in the spinal cord.
>Transverse  myelitis also may occur as a complication of syphilis,  measles,
>Lyme disease, and some  vaccinations, including those for chickenpox and
>8. Can be  Idiopathic (no known cause)
>9.  Typically a one time occurrence but there are some that have recurrent  TM.
>10. 10% or better possibility of developing Multiple  Sclerosis but the 
>possibility is fairly low if there is a normal brain MRI at  TM  
>onset...http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ 18080852
>11.Most  symptoms of TM are identical to MS
>12.Prevailing difference between TM and MS is that  lesions are on spinal 
>nerve in
>TM and on  Brain in MS.
>13.Transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused  by inflammation 
>both sides of one  level, or segment, of the spinal cord. This damage causes
>nervous system scars that interrupt communications  between the nerves in
>the spinal cord  and the rest of the body.
>14. The  inflammation and lesion created, is caused by the bodies own  immune
>system attacking the myelin  coating of the spinal nerve.
>15.The  segment of the spinal cord at which the damage occurs determines  which
>parts of the body are affected.  Nerves in the cervical (neck) region control
>signals to the neck, arms, hands, and muscles of  breathing (the diaphragm).
>Nerves in the  thoracic (upper back) region relay signals to the torso and  
>parts of the arms. Nerves at the  lumbar (mid-back) level control signals to 
>hips and legs. Finally, sacral nerves, located within  the lowest segment of 
>spinal cord,  relay signals to the groin, toes, and some parts of the legs.  
>at one segment will affect  function at that segment and segments below it. In
>patients with transverse myelitis, demyelination usually  occurs at the 
>level, causing  problems with leg movement and bowel and bladder control,
>which require signals from the lower segments of the  spinal cord.    
>http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ disorders/transversemyelitis/ 
>16.About  one-third of people affected with transverse myelitis experience 
>good  or
>full recovery from their symptoms;  they regain the ability to walk normally
>and experience minimal urinary or bowel effects and  paresthesias. Another
>one-third show  only fair recovery and are left with significant deficits such 
> as
>spastic gait, sensory dysfunction,  and prominent urinary urgency or
>incontinence. The remaining one-third show no recovery  at all, remaining
>wheelchair-bound or  bedridden with marked dependence on others for basic
>functions of daily living.   http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 
>disorders/transversemyelitis/ detail_transversemyelitis.htm
>17. Four  classic features of transverse myelitis emerge: (1) weakness of the  
>and arms, (2) pain, (3) sensory  alteration, and (4) bowel and bladder
>dysfunction.   http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ disorders/transversemyelitis/ 
>18. Pain is  the primary presenting symptom of transverse myelitis in
>approximately one-third to one-half of all patients. The  pain may be localized
>in the lower back  or may consist of sharp, shooting sensations that radiate
>down the legs or arms or around the torso.   http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 
>disorders/transversemyelitis/ detail_transversemyelitis.htm
>19.  Patients who experience sensory disturbances often use terms such  as
>numbness, tingling, coldness, or  burning to describe their symptoms.
>20. Up to  80 percent of those with transverse myelitis report areas of  
>sensitivity to touch, such  that clothing or a light touch with a finger causes
>significant discomfort or pain (a condition called  allodynia).
>21.Many also experience heightened sensitivity to  changes in temperature or to
>extreme  heat or cold.
>22.Bladder and bowel problems may involve increased  frequency of the urge to
>urinate or have  bowel movements, incontinence, difficulty voiding, the
>sensation of incomplete evacuation, and  constipation.
>23. Body temperature of those with TM is typically lower  than a normal person.
>24. Most  people with TM have poor circulation even if paralysis is  limited.
>25.It is often difficult to distinguish between a  patient with an idiopathic 
>form of
>transverse myelitis and one who has an underlying  condition, therefore the
>diagnosis is  often delayed, sometimes for months or years.
>26.Depression is extremely prevalent in patients with  TM.  http:// 
>www.brainandspine.org.uk/ information/publications/ brain_and_spine_booklets/ 
>transverse_myelitis/ longer_term.html
>27.Diagnosed with a neurological examination, MRI of the  spinal cord and 
>a spinal tap,  evoked potentials, blood tests to rule out potential conditions 
> that
>mimic TM (vitamin B12 deficiency,  lyme's disease) and causes such as viruses
>and autoimmune diseases.   http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 
>disorders/transversemyelitis/ detail_transversemyelitis.htm
>28.  Physicians also may perform myelography, which involves injecting a dye  
>the sac that surrounds the spinal  cord. The patient is then tilted up and down
>to let the dye flow around and outline the spinal cord  while X-rays are taken.
>http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ disorders/transversemyelitis/ 
>29.No  effective cure currently exists for people with transverse  myelitis
>30.Treatments are designed to manage and alleviate  symptoms and largely
>depend upon the  severity of neurological involvement.
>31. Stem  Cell research is currently the only hope for a cure for TM.
>32.Transverse Myelitis is sometimes a “But you don't  look sick” condition.
>33. Ringing  in the ears (Tinnitus) is very common in neurological 
>disorders..ie:MS, TM,  Migraines....     http:// uprightdoctor.wordpress.com/ 
>2011/01/16/ chiari-malformations-and-crania l-nerves/
>34. Extreme  fatigue is a common occurrence in those with Transverse 
>Myelitis.   http:// www.brainandspine.org.uk/ information/publications/ 
>brain_and_spine_booklets/ transverse_myelitis/ longer_term.html
>35.  Transverse Myelitis can possibly affect only one side of the body if the 
>TM  has been brought on by an onset of Multiple Sclerosis.  http:// 
>rarediseases.info.nih.gov/GARD/ Condition/7796/QnA/22164/ 

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