Problems, or "issues," as they are now called, expand to fill the available


From:  Regina Rummel <>
Date:  Thu, 26 Jan 2012 10:18:36 -0800 (PST)
To:  <>
Subject:  [TMIC] Everything is relative
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Thu, 26 Jan 2012 10:22:04 -0800

> Hi everybody,
> I visited a friend who had surgery Monday on her hammertoes and bunions (both
> feet).
> She told me that she has no patience to wait before she recovers, drives
> again, and gets to wear her designer shoes.  The waiting is driving her nuts,
> she said.
> In response, I said "Susan, just think that you'll soon have perfect walking
> feet and go on with your life as usual, while I'll never be well and back to
> normal".  
> Back home in checking my email, I saw a teenager paralyzed in a hospital bed,
> sadly struck with TM as such a young age.  I said to myself, my lesion is low,
> I am so lucky.
> Everything is relative.
> R in Marin County

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