Wow!  Dalton really says it well.  I was somewhat down this morning and
then reading his email and remembering what you have been through, it
pulled me up and I can move on today instead of feeling sorry for myself.
What really got me was Dalton's reference to his wife and how she cares for
him.  I am very lucky to have a wife who also devotes herself to caring for
me.  for her it is a tough "road to hoe" because it has severely limited
her life's activities.  I too feel that this TM has been laid on me for a
purpose and although I'm not sure what it is I keep trying to hold my head
high and keep a smile on my face.  I hope you can do the same.  We all care
about you and are here for you when you need us!


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Dalton Garis <> wrote:

> I have been following your story in this email system.  You have been
> given a difficult "row to hoe," as we used to say.  I am convinced by what
> has happened to me and from hearing all these stories from others with T.M.
> That nothing happens without a purpose; and that we are being specialized
> spiritually and emotionally for a service of some kind.  Others will watch
> us and take strength from our efforts to overcome our difficulties.
> I was dx-ed just over two years ago.  Since then I have had to quit my job
> as associate professor of economics at an engineering school in the Middle
> East, because the one thing T.M. left me with besides the constant pain, is
> an "anomaly" from a lesion on the brainstem that causes partial complex
> seizures not controlled by medications.  Now, I get many mild seizures,
> every couple of days or several per day. They keep me home now, but I can
> go out if someone goes with me to hold me up and take care of me if or when
> another spell comes.
> In spite of these difficulties, however, in some strange way my heart is
> at peace and happy.  My dear angel of a wife takes such good care of me and
> is not upset when I become helpless for hours after a spell.
> I hope that you also will find some peace and inner happiness.  Anyway, we
> are always here for you, as I have found out countless times when my inner
> strength became depleted.  This group is always here to get your spirits up
> again, as often as is needed.
> God love them all, and you, too, Candy
> Dalton Garis
> Flushing, Queens
> New York
> From: Pat Cooley <>
> Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 09:11:38 -0600
> To: Cansadia Dykes <>, Transverse Myelitis <
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do
> Resent-From: <>
> Resent-Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 07:15:22 -0800
>  Candy all you have to do is create a facebook page.  I couldn't do it
> but my daughter sit it up for me.  Once you do that all you have to do
> is find a facebook member request to be friended, that person can
> accept you as a friend and then set you up with our several TM sites.
> We have one just for us gals, then a general one for both men and
> women.  It sure sounds like you have been through h - - l.  There are
> plenty of us who can relate and give you plenty of advice.
> Good luck
> Patti in Wisconsin
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Cansadia Dykes <>
> wrote:
> i apologize again.  I know I responded previously (had some family
> issues)but not sure to whom or when.    I'll start over.   I was initially
> diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis (this was tentative), they tried to rule
> out
> MS (think they have), back to ground of TM.  However, TM should either turn
> into MS or NMO (Neuromyelitis Optika - which I do not have).  So I did more
> research and found a category of NMO Spectrum disorder.  This fits my
> illness so far.  Persons who remain in a TM status  but may continue to
> have
> relapses etc.  I continue to have "relapses".   Had one in October
> (Thoracic), increased my steriods back to 40 a day and changed me
> to CellCept.   I have now had new lesions this month (February) in my
> cervical spine (this is a new area).   Really having problems with walking
> and dragging both feet,  my gait if off, memory loss, tightness, light a
> vice around my torso, back pain, and awful pain at the base of my neck up
> to
> my ears. Cannot lay flat on my back of my head.  To painful
> I currently take Neurontin, Wellbutrin, CellCept, Cymbalta, Prednisone,
> Provilgil, Keflex, Zanaflex, Vitamin D, Lovaza, Folbe, Aciphex, Aspirin and
> Lipitor.  Vicodin prn.
>  I plan to see my neurologist next week and will insist on plasma
> Pharisees.
>  Everything I have researched indicates this is the best choice at this
> point.  I had asked for this earlier (wished I had insisted).  This would
> allow my blood to be cleaned as best it could and then allow the cellcept
> to
> work on keeping the (This is what I call them) goblins from ganging up on
> my
> immune system.
> Steroids have destroyed my body.  I am now steroid dependent.  Docs are
> hoping to get me down to 10 to 15 a day.     Have just have cataract
> surgery
> on my eyes.  Had pelvic fractures, didn't know how I did it (one of the
> worst pains you can ever have).  Due to my first diagnosis (Spine tumor)
> had
> damage to my spine which has caused me to have loss of sensation from my
> waist down.  This is a really weird feeling.  Have to be extra careful
> since
> I do not know when I have cut myself, stepped on anything hot or cold, etc.
> Thanks for listening.   This week was crazy.   My mother in law passed away
> Monday (she was 91 had a great life),  became a grandmother for the first
> time (of course the MOST beautiful baby in the world - think all new
> granny's say that and then found out about my  new lesions).
> Can't wait until next week (tee hee)
> PS - I haven't learned how to go to anyone's blog, use twitter or facebook.
>  would like to learn since someone indicated you can reach out and touch
> more folks that way.
> Candy
> ________________________________
> From: Janice Nichols <>
> To: Pat Cooley <>; Cansadia Dykes
> <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 11:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do
> Candy,
> Patti in right.    Just tell your story, state any questions you may have
> (or concerns), and we will try to help you.    We have members that have
> been here from 1 year to 25 years.    Many tell of family support,
> if friend's support, location, vocation if not retired, how much help
> doctor's have been with medications, etc.      Most of us are on similar
> medications.        We call ourselves "TM'ers" for Transverse Myelitis.
> At this point, what problems did TM leave you with.    Most of us also have
> problems with our bladders and bowels.
> You can answer all of these or none of them.    It is up to you.      You
> will find that there really isn't much that hasn't been brought up and
> discussed, after all, we are all fighting the same battle.    We are
> very open with each other.
> My best to you,
> Janice, Missouri
> -----Original Message----- From: Pat Cooley
> Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 9:16 AM
> To: Cansadia Dykes
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do
> Candy welcome to our TM group.  I am sorry it had to be under these
> circumstances.  What we usually do is tell your story which we can all
> relate to.  Feel free to ask any questions that you may have and
> someone will try to answer it.  Also, we also have several Facebook
> sites you can join if you are interested; and are on FB.  If so,
> befriend me and I will add.  The FB site is a busy one so you will be
> able to reach more of us with your questions. If interested, you can
> find me under Pat Cooley.
> Patti in Wisconsin
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Cansadia Dykes <>
> wrote:
> hi,  I am new so not sure how to learn about others who may be having the
> same illness as me.
> thank you.
> Candy

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