After my initial--6 days on IV Steriods and I left the hospital a week
later, the doctor gave me a vial of steriod pills to take if I felt the TM
was reaching into my upper body, I suppose to stop it.  I don't live near a
hospital and have to be flown to one.  Luckily I have never had a recurring
episode but then again I have only been a TMer for two years.  Unluckily I
have no lower body function and am confined to a chair.  2 cent worth.

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Dalton Garis <> wrote:

>  idiopathic: "a pathogen we idiots can't identify"
> D.
> From: Bernie Pelow <>
> Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 00:38:21 -0600
> To: TMIC <>, Dalton Garis <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2012 #91
>  *Hey Dalton and all TM Family,
>   In my initial care 22 years ago, I was put on an IV drip of steroids for
> my 2 month stay in the hospital.  My immune system is shot; period.  I have
> to take all kinds of precautions to make sure I don't get sick.  But it
> happens now and again no matter how hard I try. My TM was called
> "idiopathic" by some doctors, some said it came from the flu I had just
> gotten over.  Regardless of what it's cause was, when I get sick I start
> feeling tingling in my hands and arms, upper abdomen and face.  Every time
> the treatment is a mass dose of steroids, as the doctors believe that is
> recurring TM, I've had 5 episodes over the years.  I have grown to hate
> steroids, they make me miserable, cranky, I get insomnia, migraine
> headaches, and I gain weight which is very hard to lose when your my age
> and stuck in a chair.  But if these drugs are keeping me from deteriorating
> any further, I'll take them until my last days if need be.  Just my 2 cents
> of sharing...
> Peace,
> Bernie in Texas
> PS - Sorry if the typing is large, my eyes have gotten real bad this past
> year.
> From: Dalton Garis <> <>
> To: James Berg <> <>;
> Cc:
> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 5:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2012 #91
> **
> *
>  *Yes;*
> *
> *
> *I had four days of steroid drip in  the beginning to reduce the spinal
> inflammation and hopefully prevent any new lesions.  But that was during
> the initial stage when my spine seemed to be on fire.*
> *
> *
> *But after that I only received a steroid drip during a "flair-up" about
> six month's later, but no more often.*
> *Pleas*
> *Please try to see someone else if you can.  You can go to "Webmd" to
> search for a doctor who knows about TM/MS.*
> *
> *
> *Best,*
> *
> *
> *Dalton*

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