for me when i have to have a bowel movement my side hurts worse and the buzzing 
in my legs gets worse 

 From: Roger & Terese Pratt <>
To: Janice Nichols <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

I wish this was only a female problem.  I've had TM for 18 years.  I used to 
have to take pills just to be able to go, and although I have gotten enough 
better not to have to take the pills, not having my bladder work right still 
continues to be a problem.  TM has also terminated my sexual function (which is 
a whole nother story).  It is my opinion that once the nerves are damaged, full 
recovery may never happen. - Roger in Kennewick, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janice Nichols" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:45:29 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 

Hi TM’ers,
This question probably pertains mostly to female TM’ers, but 
maybe not.
Is it my imagination or have you all noticed that spasms 
increase from the waist down, legs included,  when the bladder is saying it 
is time to
go to the bathroom?    I have changed the 
wording several times to make it say what I am trying to ask.    
Hope you get my meaning.
Also, have any of you gotten consistent improvement in bladder 
control or have you pretty much leveled out as far as improvement is 
concerned.    If you keep improving,
please give me the length of time you have had 
TM.         I have had TM for 5 years 
and seem to go back and forth, sometimes 2-3 weeks at a time, waking up with 
and then, for a while, fairly dry (but never 
completely).       It doesn’t seem to matter how 
much I drink during the day or in the 
evening.       When I was in the hospital, the 
kept talking about my bladder needing time to “wake up” after 
being paralyzed.    Well, mine seems to wake up a little and then 
snoozes again.      Frustrating.

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