Hi  Deb,
I had no idea you  were involved with TMIC in that capacity.  I never knew 
that about  you.  Surprise, surprise! 
I am trying to get  people involved with us and am struggling to come up 
with things to  discuss.  You say that you try to make sure that topics are 
not talked  about over and over, but it's hard to come up with things that are 
new.   What am I supposed to do.
At least there are a  few more people writing in now.  Or is it only that I 
have just come  back?  Have people been writing back and forth that you 
know of?   Please let me know.
I appreciate your  attention.
Thank  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 8:00:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
dnca...@gmail.com writes:

Hi  Jude, 
No, it has nothing  to do with getting spammed. I live on the computer. I 
do all my work on the  computer, I build computers, create the websites, 
proofread all the TMA  articles, etc. I know how to get rid of spam. It is just 
a matter of hitting  the delete button. 
I have been part of  the original tmic list almost since the first emails 
started going back and  forth, back in January, 1997. I have watched people 
sign up with the list, I  have watched people die on the list, I have to talk 
to people with TM on the  phone and internet every single day.  That is 
part of my job.  I  also have met my closest and dearest friends because of the 
tmic  list. 
I have monitored the  list for 16 years. When there is objectionable 
material, I notify the proper  people, and those emails are deleted so that 
who may search the  archives for information will not read the 
objectionable material.  I  also know that every time an infected email enters 
computer (one that has a  virus), it has come from somebody on the list who has 
had their address book  hacked.  So, when these emails come in to the list, we 
simply unsubscribe  them from the list, so that they are unable to send any 
more emails to the  list until they get their computers fixed.  Once they 
realize that they  have not received tmic list emails, it has probably been 
after they have  removed their viruses, and they resubscribe.  So, notifying 
everybody on  the list is really just not necessary. 
I just know when to  sit back and not get involved and have learned from my 
own personal bad  experiences when to back off so as not to get insulted by 
people who think I  am “butting in” too much.  
I also know that  some of the same problems and issues that people are 
experiencing have been  discussed and discussed over and over, and people 
neglect to take advantage of  all the wealth of information that has been 
in the archives from all  the previous email conversations over the past 16 
years, and if they are not  going to read all the valuable information, 
rather ask the same questions over  and over on the list, why bother trying to 
explain  again? 
Anyway, I am sorry  that I have created such a long email, but I just 
wanted you to understand  where I am coming from, and it has nothing to do with 
you, just “experience”  has taught me to stay in the background. 
Take  care, 
From:  heyjude48...@aol.com [mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com] 
Sent: Friday,  January 25, 2013 4:05 PM
To: dnca...@gmail.com
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

Ok,  Deb,

I  do not understand what you're saying.  Are you not going to send 
messages  to the group anymore?  Is it because you are worried about getting  
I  have only been spammed a handful, if that, many times over all the years 
I've  been on the computer.  

We  really need your input on TMIC.  You're a valuable person with a lot of 
 good information to share.

I  will understand if you don't want to continue with us, but each person 
makes a  difference and your words count.

Your  friend,
Here's  to the nights that turned into mornings, with the friends that 
turned into  family.  (unknown)

In a  message dated 1/25/2013 12:33:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)   writes:

Hello  Jude, 
First, thank you  for not copying the list with my email and private 
concerns. Some people on  the list do not have their computers properly 
with anti-virus  software, thus their computers are repeatedly hacked. Also, 
some people have  the option marked “automatically add all people to 
address book”, so my  email address gets entered into all these anonymous 
computers, and when they  get a virus, I (and hundreds of other people) receive 
infected  email. 
If people wish to  be on the internet, they should be responsible for 
protecting their own  computers from these infections, and when one person 
an infected email  to the list, suddenly about 20 people will send an email 
to the list that  they need to ignore all messages sent by that one person 
because it is  infected. So, I figure that eventually people will “get it” 
and I don’t need  to involve myself in risking more infections by adding to 
all those other  emails which will only take up precious storage space in the 
Hope you  understand this. 
Thanks again for  all your caring messages to the list. 
From:  _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
[_mailto:Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) ]  
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 8:39 PM
To: _dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com) 
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

What  about the other people who get the same message?  Don't they need  
to  know too?


In  a message dated 1/24/2013 10:36:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)   writes:

It  is one of the 16 TMIC subscribers, their email address book has been  
hacked and her computer is sending out spam. Do NOT click on the link. And  I 
am sending this to just you, in order to not clutter the tmic archives  
with unnecessary emails.
Take  care,

Sent  from my iPod.

On  Jan 24, 2013, at 8:23 PM, _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ 
(mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)   wrote:

Who  are you and what is this email address for?  I know you mentioned  
your email address, but not everyone knows who you are without your  name.  I 
think you are Cheryl, but I'm not  sure.


In  a message dated 1/24/2013 10:20:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_rn11974@yahoo.com_ (mailto:rn11...@yahoo.com)   writes:


_rn11974@yahoo.com_ (mailto:rn11...@yahoo.com) 

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