What a scare! Did you ever find out what you did to your back? Glad you are doing much better now. I know how you feel about trying to get into a bigger car. We had to do that too after TM struck to make room for wheel chair, walker, etc. It really is hard to get in if you are short and, I cannot "boost" since TM, so it makes it harder. I am assuming none of us can boost any more. What about it? Can any of you still boost? I wish you continued improvement with your back and whatever you did to it to hurt it - don't do it again.


-----Original Message----- From: I.WHIDDETT
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 10:20 AM
To: <>
Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

Dear Friends
While things are so quiet, thought I would share with you the awful fright I suffered this week. I was aware of some discomfort in my back on Monday last, which quite quickly progressed to excruciating pain and difficulty even moving. I feared TM had taken another hit at me, this time further down my spine. Flat on my back, fearing the worst, it dawned on me that I could move my legs quite freely while prone and therefore could NOT be the b*****d TM! The relief!! Total rest and anti-inflammatory medication have now seen a big improvement and I'm tending to think I did some damage hauling myself into my husband's Grand Cherokee when we went out on the Sunday. There's no chance he will swap his pride and joy for something more suitable so I've compromised ( as we women do) and ordered a step to assist - a tad undignified but, then, that went out the window when TM flew in!
Regards to all
Iris UK

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