Lucky/smart girl!!

From: Deb Monteleone 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:07 PM
To: 'Pat Cooley' ; 
Cc: ; 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

I just had Shingles this last Labor Day.  Noticed raised bumps on my stomach, 
left of the midline, around to the spine.  PA didn’t mention shingles, next 
day, Saturday went to the emergency room as my husband and I thought it was 
shingles and know the importance of getting the medication early.  Thank God, I 
received the medicine even though it was at the end of the timeframe but it 
definitely lessened the attack.  Felt some pain, woke me up a few nights, but 
between the early intervention and the nerve pain meds (Neurontin) I take, it 
wasn’t really that bad or long.


Make it a great day,



From: Pat Cooley [] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


Jude I had shingles in 1992.  I don't remember any pain as bad as that, even 
after going through labor 3 times.  The pain I have with TM is child's play 
compared to shingles.  Mine started with pain in the middle of my back going up 
my right shoulder. I thought it was from work as they had just installed a 
whole new area for my work station.  Plus we had a lot going on at work and 
thought it was stress. Also my oldest daughter was causing strees and worry.  
After 4 days of pain that just got worse, when I out of the shower on the 5th 
day, I noticed red spots on my right side and knew right away what it was.  The 
doctor confirmed it and gave me pain pills and some cream.  It did get worse 
and for the next 4 days I was in a drug haze thankfully.  Finally I was able to 
get up and eat.  The pain off and on lasted for months, and the red marks 
turned into pox like blisters.  It took months for it to go away,, but the 
redness lasted over a year.   I know there is a shot to help make the shingles 
mild but by the time I soon the doc it was too late for the shot.  So if anyone 
suspecs shingles, I say get to the doctor asap, it makes a difference.


Pattti - Wisconsin

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:04 PM, <> wrote:

I didn't know there was a shot for shingles.  My mother had them before she got 
cancer.  From the way she described it, they were painful and itchy.





In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:44:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  For me, I do not believe it was stress that created TM.   It struck at a 
great time for us.   We were getting ready to travel, etc., after my husband 
had been retired for 4 months and really looking

  forward to our new future.    At 4 months of retirement, you-know-who struck 
and totally changed our lives.   I had had a flu shot  -  but that was 3-4 
months before TM.    I had not been sick at

  all for a long time before TM either.    I think it is like MS or any other 
disease like that  -  it hits when it hits.

  For the first 2 years after TM struck, my doc did not want me to get a flu 
shot.   But now I get one yearly and he wants me too.   Have also had a 
shingles shot and pnuemonia shot.   No problems.




  From: Robert Pall 

  Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM

  To: ; 


  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


  There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make friends 
(although that is a plus). I just want to share information that may help us 
cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always believed that the cause 
of my TM was excess stress which probably caused my immune system to overreact 
to some minor illness like a summer cold.....that being said no doctor can say 
what caused any of us to have TM....I myself decided it was stress....everyone 
one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM ...but none of us do!

  All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
  Rob in New Jersey




  -----Original Message-----
  From: Heyjude48458 <>
  To: i.whiddett <>
  Cc: tmic-list <>
  Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

  Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.  I am really punishing myself to 
find topics for us to talk about.  What can you think of that is pertinent toTM?


  Love you,



  In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    Hi Jude 

    I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very frightening and I 
had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for help on the 
Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group and finally began to understand 
what had happened but, like most us, not why it had happened!  So, thanks for 
taking on board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and for all the kind 
words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am a "proper" member, my 
details are:-


    Iris Whiddett

    98  Eastwood Road


    Essex   England                    Tel: 01268 771642



    Iris UK 


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