Key Protein for Firing Up Central Nervous System Inflammation Identified
May 2, 2013 ‹ Scientists have identified an influential link in a chain of
events that leads to autoimmune inflammation of the central nervous system
in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS).

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* Immune System 
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* Diseases and Conditions
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* Multiple Sclerosis
* Huntington's Disease
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* Myelin <>
* Inflammation <>
* T cell <>
* Axon <>
An international team of researchers led by scientists in The University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Immunology reported their
results in an advance online publication in Nature Medicine.

The researchers spell out the pivotal role of Peli1 in the activation of
immune cells called microglia that promote inflammation in the central
nervous system in response to tissue damage or invasion by microbes.

"The major implication of discovering a signaling role for Peli1 in this
animal model is that it might also be significant in the pathogenesis of
MS," said senior author Shao-Cong Sun, Ph.D., professor in MD Anderson's
Department of Immunology.

Microglia cells involved in multiple sclerosis

Sun and colleagues found that Peli1 is heavily expressed in microglial cells
and promotes their activation and subsequent damaging immune response. Peli1
also protects that autoimmune reaction by initiating the destruction of a
protein that otherwise would inhibit inflammation.

Microglia are known to be crucial to the initiation of MS, an immune system
assault on nerve fibers called axons and on myelin, the protective sheath
around the axons. They also were previously known to play a similar role in
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS.

The precise mechanism of this autoimmune-stimulating effect has been
unknown. Sun and colleagues fill an important gap with their Peli1

Microglia sense tissue damage. They secrete chemokines and inflammatory
cytokines in response, drawing infection-fighting T cells into the central
nervous system, leading to inflammation.

Infections genetic overreaction that inflames

The authors note that microbial infections are a known environmental trigger
for the onset and maintenance of multiple sclerosis and the induction of EAE
in mice. Toll-like receptors that detect pathogens play a roll in MS and
EAE. They were suspected of involvement in microglial activation and

Upon sensing microbes or cell damage, toll-like receptors launch a signaling
cascade that activates a variety of genes involved in inflammation and white
blood cell homing to the microbes or injury site.

Peli1 is known as a targeting agent, marking proteins with molecules called
ubiquitins, ensuring they are functionally modified or found by cellular
protein-destruction machinery. In this case, Sun and colleagues found that
Peli1 ubiquitinates another targeting agent as a signal, which in turn marks
a crucial anti-inflammatory protein for destruction.

The team found: · Mice with Peli1 knocked out were resistant to EAE. Those
with Peli1 developed severe symptoms including a gradual increase in
paralysis. · Mice with intact Peli1 had high levels of microglial activation
after EAE began and low levels of resting microglia. Mice with Peli1 knocked
out had high levels of resting microglia. · Expression of proinflammatory
chemokines and cytokines was impaired in microglia taken from Peli1 knockout
mice. Peli1 sends signal to destroy Traf3

Sun and colleagues then tracked down the role Peli1 plays in protecting one
of the molecular networks that is set off when toll-like receptors detect
microbes or injury. The MAPK pathway activates a variety of genes involved
in inflammation and T cell response.

MAPK is kept in check by a protein called Traf3. The team found that Peli1
signals another ubiquitin ligase that in turn marks Traf3 for destruction,
liberating the MAPK network. After EAE is induced, mice with intact Peli1
have a gradual depletion of Traf3 in their microglia. Traf3 accumulated in
the microglia of Peli1 knockout mice. EAE was restored in Peli1 knockout
mice when Traf3 was inhibited.

Sun said the team is studying the pathway in human multiple sclerosis to
replicate their findings and explore the possibilities for potentially
treating MS.

Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
Mobile: 718-838-0437

From:  Dalton Garis <>
Date:  Sunday, 5  January 2013 6:24 AM
To:  "" <>, Dalton Garis
Cc:  tmic <>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Shingles vaccination
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Sun, 05 May 2013 03:25:02 -0700 (PDT)

You are correct.  And actually,

This last week has been very hard with a variety of tough symptoms
reappearing and some new ones as well.  So let's just say, as Bob Dylan said
in the song, "Now you don't/talk so loud."  Due to its extreme discomfort
and inconvenience to my dear wife, I am proceeding with due caution from now

Love to all,


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
Mobile: 718-838-0437

From:  "" <>
Reply-To:  "" <>
Date:  Tuesday, 30  January 2013 11:25 AM
To:  Dalton Garis <>
Cc:  tmic <>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Shingles vaccination
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:25:46 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Dalton,
 I don't like to think of you being a "test" or guinea pig to see what
happens. Especially since you have had so many problems with seizures, etc.
Plus, everyone reacts differently.
I chose not to get the vaccine. Who knows how it will work with the meds I
take for various conditions. I have enough on my plate with tm, cancer, and
other health concerns.


   From: Dalton Garis <>
 To: I.WHIDDETT <>; "<>"
 Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Shingles vaccination

It might be that,

A better question is whether having TM and taking all these medications
actually suppresses or even eliminates the threat from Shingles.  Because on
this side of the Pond we also are getting bombarded with advertisements
advising seniors to get the inoculation.

Shingles is another auto-immune disease in the Herpes-Simplex family, is
that right?  And TM is also an auto-immune disease similar to MS, correct?
Then, accordingly, perhaps getting the Shingles vaccine might even suppress
some TM symptoms, rather than risking an aggravation of symptoms.  That
would depend, of course, on how the vaccine actually worked to achieve the
desired result.

I will use myself as a test, if you all would like, and see what happens, if
you can wait a month or so for any possible developments.  I am retired and
spend my days writing and some lecturing and have only domestic-type chores,
so the risk of a life-degrading event, even were a flair-up to occur, is
rather limited.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
Mobile: 718-838-0437

From:  "I.WHIDDETT" <>
Date:  Tuesday, 30  January 2013 2:52 AM
To:  "<>" <>
Subject:  [TMIC] Shingles vaccination
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Mon, 29 Apr 2013 23:52:16 -0700 (PDT)

>From September this year, UK over 70s are to be offered shingles
vaccination.  Does anyone have an opinion as to safety or otherwise, please?
Past experience tells me my neurologist will give his usual helpful 'your
choice' advice!


Sent from my iPad


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