wow.  what a bummer.  I am so glad you are all right.

anybody ever had a "Pseudo Exacerbation of Transverse Myelitis?

Just got out of 4 hellish days in the hospital where they gave me 1,000 ML of 
Prednisone (IV)
with no lag medication.  
So, sick as I've ever been!  bla bla bla!
Sharing my adventure, too!

but seriously, has anybody heard of this?

Susan in Phoenix
On May 11, 2013, at 6:55 AM, "Gary Thomas" <gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I'm glad nothing was broken, Janice!  I hope it doesn't happen again--can it, 
> if you have vertigo?
> Gary in Michigan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Janice Nichols
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:26 AM
> Hey Guys!
> Well, now I know what a concussion feels like – it hurts!       Monday 
> evening I fell in the house on our ceramic tile (hard stuff).    My husband 
> called 911 and they transported
> us to the hospital.    I had passed out before I fell, so had nothing to 
> brace the fall.   Eddy was just a few steps behind me but couldn’t get to me 
> in time to stop the fall.   Anyway,
> I fell right on my face – huge bump immediately.            The ER gave me an 
> IV to put in meds for pain (!!!) and nausea.    That helped quite a bit.   
> Then they did a cat scan and found
> I had no broken bones.   Doc’s were shocked, but pleased.   I really do have 
> a hard head!    They then sent us back home and I have been very quiet ever 
> since.   Doc’s think I may have
> had vertigo.
> I look a lot like a raccoon  -  eyes really black and purple and forehead and 
> bridge of nose really swollen.   I am a mess, but relatively little pain for 
> having such a concussion.   Each day
> we are checking out the changes in shape and color in my face.  
> Just thought I would keep you guys up with my adventures.
> Janice 

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