Hi Janice,


Sorry to hear about your fall.  Hope you heal quickly.  I can give you some 
information on vertigo, at least the kind I had a few weeks ago.


Yes with all I’ve been going through with pain and testing for the pain pump a 
little vertigo got thrown in.  Ah life is such a joy.

I was mostly disoriented when looking down, reaching up and every night when I 
laid down on the bed.  One day I had full blown vertigo on my 2nd story outside 
deck.  All of a sudden I lost my sense of balance, banged into the house wall, 
tried to stand, stumbled into a chair, tried to stand, stumbled about 5 feet 
the other way over to a tall table, grabbed on, decided enough trying to stand 
and stayed holding on to the table while the sky above me circled around.  
Weird and scary, my stepson passed by and got me to a chair.  After a few 
moments I was fine.


My Neurologist sent me for vestibular testing.  Our inner ear has a cluster of 
what they call crystals in an area that connects to vestibular tubes.  A 
crystal can break free from the cluster and enter the tube in which it is now 
free floating.  When you move your head the crystal moves within the tube 
sending odd signals to the brain causing disorientation.  They fixed it within 
15 minutes by manipulating my head which moves the crystal through the tube 
back into the area holding the cluster and the stray crystal hopefully 
reattaches to it, they have like a sticky coating on them.  For 48 hours you 
have to keep from moving head up, down, etc. to allow it to reattach.  Really 
cool stuff, was skeptical until he did the movements, came back in 5 minutes, 
tested me (by laying down with head to one side) and I was fine.


There are other things that can cause vertigo but I believe this is the most 


Make it a great day,



From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jannic...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:26 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com


Hey Guys!


Well, now I know what a concussion feels like – it hurts!       Monday evening 
I fell in the house on our ceramic tile (hard stuff).    My husband called 911 
and they transported

us to the hospital.    I had passed out before I fell, so had nothing to brace 
the fall.   Eddy was just a few steps behind me but couldn’t get to me in time 
to stop the fall.   Anyway,

I fell right on my face – huge bump immediately.            The ER gave me an 
IV to put in meds for pain (!!!) and nausea.    That helped quite a bit.   Then 
they did a cat scan and found

I had no broken bones.   Doc’s were shocked, but pleased.   I really do have a 
hard head!    They then sent us back home and I have been very quiet ever 
since.   Doc’s think I may have

had vertigo.


I look a lot like a raccoon  -  eyes really black and purple and forehead and 
bridge of nose really swollen.   I am a mess, but relatively little pain for 
having such a concussion.   Each day

we are checking out the changes in shape and color in my face.   


Just thought I would keep you guys up with my adventures.


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