Hello all,

Some of you may remember how the birthday lists started many years ago.
Someone found an online site that would send e-cards to others as a support
for a charity, so many of us sent in our names and birthdays so as to use
the site to raise funds for the TMA. Not surprisingly, the site died after
a while. A girl on the TMIC named Carrie and I had accumulated the birthday
names and lists, and after she left the list, I continued to send them out
once a month.

I've decided to stop doing so, for a number of reasons.

1) Not many people are here any more. Many are on Facebook and it is easy
to send birthday greetings there.

2) I don't think many (if any) people use the birthday list to send
individual greetings to anyone on it. (A few of you have faithfully sent
happy birthdays on TMIC to those celebrating each month as a whole, and I
have appreciated that.)

3) Since all mail that goes through the TMIC is archived online, I have
wondered if it is a problem to have lists of names and e-mails there, if
that increases anyone's spam content.

4) I have been sending out individual birthday greetings to everyone on the
list, and more and more of them are returned to me because the address is
no longer active.

5) For those who are no longer on the TMIC, I don't know if they welcome
the birthday greetings or if they don't want me to "bug" them any more.

So for all of those reasons, plus the amount of time involved, I have
decided to stop sending the birthday lists out each month. I've just
finished updating it with the latest information I have - if anyone else
wants to take it over, I'll be happy to send you the list.

I'm still here on the TMIC and plan to continue to be. I wish all of you a
very happy and healthy 2014.


Barbara H.

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