Say, Folks!

Nice to hear a voice crying in the wilderness.  I am still here, also.

By the way, someone hacked my Facebook so had to change my name, to
Abdu¹l-Hanif Al-Shukri ­ let them try to hack that one!  So, if you remember
me, for instance Meiling, and you want to ³friend" me, I¹m still out there.

Friends, I am down to just 50mg Lyrica 2x/day now, after a tough time of
trying.  Can¹t go below that amount, discovering that is what is actually
required to cover most of the pain.  My memory is better and am less anxious
about losing my mind to fog and dopiness.

And went 28 days without a seizure, the longest time since getting the first
one in 22 April 2010.  Want to know what reduced their frequency? - not
taking all those vitamin supplements anymore.  It seems the minerals in them
were interfering in some way with the nerves, especially magnesium.
Visiting my mother in Massachusetts ­ she¹s 97 ­ I forgot to bring any and
went without for a week.  Returning home I realized that I hadn¹t had any
seizures, and guessed that the only change was in not taking all those
vitamin supplements.  So I stopped, and sure enough, the seizures became
very infrequent.  Who knew?

Now is the Baha¹i month of the Fast, when Baha¹is go without food and drink
during the hours when the sun is in the sky, for 19 days, the last month of
our year.  (In our calendar there are 19 months of 19 days, with 4 or 5
inter calendar days just before the month of the Fast).  We eat and drink
after sunset or before sunrise but not during the hours of sunlight.
Smoking is also prohibited, as it is considered a form of drink.

The sick, the traveling, those nursing or pregnant, or under the age of 15
or older than 70 are not bound by the Fast; neither are those engaged in
heavy labor.  It is for those in good health, but others are not bound to

While not bound by the Fast I am going without food during the hours of
fasting but drinking tea or coffee or water whenever I feel the need.  It is
going OK, and does change the relationship to the material world and
increase nearness to God.  I am grateful to participate at even this level.

I hope it doesn¹t upset anyone if I talk openly about God.  It seems our
America is conspiring to wipe any mention of Him from any public discourse ­
a kind of propaganda in its own right if you think about it.  I apologize,
though, if anyone here is offended.

Love and prayers,
Abdu¹l-Hanif Al-Shukri

Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA

From:  Linda Egli <>
Reply-To:  Linda Egli <>
Date:  Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:18 -0700 (PDT)
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:20 -0700 (PDT)

> Another TMer still here too.  I miss the people that used to use this site.
> Stay well.
> Linda - Texas
>    From: Janice Nichols <>
>  To: James Berg <>;
>  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:39 AM
>  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
> You are not alone here.      I am still here, but it sure is quiet!     Hope
> you are doing well.
> Janice ­ from Missouri
> From: James Berg <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
> Meiling, if you are still in Hawaii, please give me a holler--I thought I  was
> alone here.
> Jim

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