On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 09:07:00PM +0100, clemens fischer wrote:
> The other problem:  for my purposes, I used to rely on screens
> ability to 'J'oin the lines of any selection by either spaces,
> commas, newlines (the default) or whatnot, ie. to make one long
> line of the selected lines.  For example, in a "ls -l" listing, I
> could select a few files on the right hand side, 'J'oin them with
> commas and - in bash - type eg. "cp <dir>/{<THE_SELECTION>} .".
> Not worry about the proper glob, that is.
> If this is not too difficult and you can point me to the files
> involved, I'd like to give it a try.  If not, I'd have to call on
> the masters to hand down the solution to this problem from heaven
> ...

I expect this one to be tricky, at least to do properly.  I'm hoping
to get time to work on it soon, but you're quite welcome to try

Micah's suggestion was to set something up where the block would get
passed through an arbitrary shell command before pasting, which I
think is a great idea.

- ------------

< micahcowan> rlpowell, it seems to me that a more general solution than adding
J, is to use a keybinding that pastes the buffer to a file, runs a shell
command to process it, and loads it back in.

< micahcowan> That way, people could do any sort of J-ish thing they want,
including some that screen doesn't do, like quote each line and _then_ separate
by commas, etc

< rlpowell> Yeah, I was trying to make it more general, but I had'nt thought of
going in that direction.

< micahcowan> Though, I don't think you can do that _just_ yet, given that
run-shell doesn't currently block.

< rlpowell> Ah.

< micahcowan> i.e., the load buffer might happen before the processing :\

< rlpowell> *nod*

< micahcowan> rlpowell, you could get around that nonblocking run-shell thing,
actually: just use "tmux save-buffer", etc, in the shell command, rather than
doing it as a direct tmux command.

- ------------

The other aspect to it is having a key that can shift between the
various options.  My idea there is to store the
pass-through-before-pasting command in a (window?) option, and make
a tmux command that takes an option name and a list of possible
values.  Every time it's called, it checks for the current value in
the list, and moves to the next one.  This would be a fully general
solution that people could use for other things.

Neither of these is particularily easy to do.  Having said that, the
code is very clean and easy to read.  Feel free to give it a shot.


They say:  "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm  thinking:  "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other  than  the default  outcome?"  See http://shrunklink.com/cdiz
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/

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