Robin Lee Powell wrote:

> In screen, the exact work flow was:
>  hilight a selection
>  convert the newlines in the selection to something else
>  copy the selection
>  paste the selection
> I think what you're asking for is this work flow:
>  copy a selection
>  convert the newlines in the selection to something else
>  paste the selection
> I don't think any of us talking about emulating screen J actually
> *care* which of those two is used; I certainly don't.  Hopefully
> everybody can ACK that they understand that you want the second one
> and stop talking about J in copy mode. :)

That is correct.  Micahs top-level 'J' binding using tr(1) and temporary
files is perfectly acceptable also.  To be precise, I myself don't
always paste a selection, I also stuff it into a log file, but I need
a simple way to post-process it, preferably with a script and at least
by replacing newlines with something else.  I gave the example of
substituting commas to be able to use a bash feature.  I also liked
screens way of concatenating several selections with one of its
predefined separators, and tmux can do better, even in its current form.


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