These are usually the keys that are changed when the keypad is put into
cursor mode, these are all treated as up, down, left and right by tmux.

Try eg

set -g terminal-overrides '*:kUP5=\eOA'

Or \e[A if that doesn't work.

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 02:43:36PM -0400, mbm329 wrote:
>    Thanks for the pointer.
>    Using PuTTY, here's the output:
>    $ cat
>    ^[[A
>    ^[OA
>    A
>    That's cat, return, Up, return, Ctrl+Up, return. �The A on a line by
>    itself was placed there by the return after Ctrl+Up.
>    Since you mentioned the terminal, I checked the Translation section and
>    was using "UTF-8". �I changed it to be "ISO-8859-1:1998 (Latin-1, West
>    Europe)". �Then just tried the "Default" profile instead of the profile I
>    had for the host. �All of them gave the same result with both the cat
>    command outside of tmux, and with attempts to resize the pane within tmux.
>    �No luck so far.
>    Thanks,
>    Mike
>    On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Nicholas Marriott
>    <[1]> wrote:
>      Works for me.
>      Are you sure your terminal shows different things for C-Up and Up? (Run
>      cat outside tmux then press them and make sure it shows different things
>      for the two keys.)
>      On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:45:43PM -0400, mbm329 wrote:
>      > � �Hi all,
>      >
>      > � �Trying to resize-pane by 1 row or column and it just does a
>      select-pane
>      > � �instead. �Here is the relative output from the list-keys command:
>      >
>      > � �� � �Up: (repeat) select-pane -U
>      > � �� �Down: (repeat) select-pane -D
>      > � �� �Left: (repeat) select-pane -L
>      > � �� Right: (repeat) select-pane -R
>      > � �� �M-Up: (repeat) resize-pane -U 5
>      > � ��M-Down: (repeat) resize-pane -D 5
>      > � ��M-Left: (repeat) resize-pane -L 5
>      > � �M-Right: (repeat) resize-pane -R 5
>      > � �� �C-Up: (repeat) resize-pane -U
>      > � ��C-Down: (repeat) resize-pane -D
>      > � ��C-Left: (repeat) resize-pane -L
>      > � �C-Right: (repeat) resize-pane -R
>      >
>      > � �I've tried this as a user with no ~/tmux.conf file. I'm running
>      tmux v1.4
>      > � �on RHEL 5.5.
>      >
>      > � �Even added the following explicitly in the ~/.tmux.conf file:
>      >
>      > � �bind -r C-Up � �resize-pane -U
>      > � �bind -r C-Down �resize-pane -D
>      > � �bind -r C-Left �resize-pane -L
>      > � �bind -r C-Right resize-pane -R
>      >
>      > � �Tried both the left Ctrl and right Ctrl keys.
>      > � �Thanks,
>      >
>      > � �Mike
>      >
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