>> by picking up the process group leader from the terminal fd
>> via tcgetpgrp() instead of using the direct pane child process.
> Why?  I mean, what problem is this solving?  You don't mention it in your
> commit message.
Nested subshells and su invocations. Consider this:
> # root key bindings
> bind-key C new-window "su -l empee584" \; set-window-option -q 
> window-status-fg green
> bind-key V split-window -v "su empee584" \; set-window-option -q 
> window-status-fg green
> bind-key H split-window -h "su empee584" \; set-window-option -q 
> window-status-fg green
So my main tmux session runs as root, but sometimes I use this for
privilege deescalation.
Without provided patch, the current working directory would not be
correctly determined in these cases.

#Regards :)

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