
Well, I think I would like to hear from NicM (or the person in charge). The 
choose-tree -u fix I think should not go in to tmux.

The more code ive seen from you, the worse things get because theres been lots 
of fixes on top of your own code from yourself and others. It shows poor 


 From: Thomas Adam <tho...@xteddy.org>
To: Jason Timrod <jtim...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "tmux-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <tmux-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: FAO Thomas -> code more carefully!


On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 05:02:50AM -0700, Jason Timrod wrote:
> Hi,
> Ive enjoyed using the devel version of tmux for ages - but lately ive had 
> problems with it:

I have to say that I am very surprised by this email, and am even more
puzzled as to why you feel that I am solely responsible for you perceived
problems.  Yes, I may well have contributed to the areas you're referring to
but you have to be a little more specific of my own personal involvement
before you start to single me out as being harmful to this project.

> Why is there changes to choose-tree to fix -u? Do we need this? I do not
> think we do - I like the way it works now.

Well I think you're in the minority.  This is a bug-fix because the
placement of the selected item is consistent with how the old
choose-{session,window} commands worked in the past; highlighting those
entries which were the current item.  That this has now been folded in to a
tree applies just as well when expanding/collapsing entries -- and hence by
extension, using '-u'.

> Why do we need to support hooks? These have lots of huge changes - and
> most of the fixes in the devel of tmux are from Thomas's previous efforts
> to fix his mistakes.

I can't say I follow you here.  Hooks would be useful in so many different
scenarios when different commands are run in tmux.   It's something people
have been wanting to do for a while now, and I've finally devised a solution
to do it.  It might also mean reducing a number of internal commands in tmux
over time.

As for these "previous efforts" you allude to, can you please show me where
in the past I have done something very bad for this project?

> The choose-mode had a rewrite earlier this year - why? Thomas - did you
> break it when choose-tree came about and NicM fixed it?

No -- internal improvements to different API parts are always on-going by
myself, NicM, and other people who send in patches.  What NicM and I were
doing there was to simplify the fact that certain callbacks could be
generalised, and hence reduce the code churn a little between the different
choose-* commands.

> The git history also got messed up -> and there was a thread about this on
> the mailing list you did not reply to? Why?

I don't need to reply to everything.

> And now we have -u for choose-tree to fix it from today - I am worried
> Thomas that you are causing harm to tmux and not good.

Can you please qualify this with something tangible?

> I notice that there was a fix added for missing -V as well. how did this 
> happen?

I mis-read the merge conflict, and chose the wrong one.  Someone on IRC
noticed this, and I fixed it.

> Why is this work not being reviewed? It is not good enough that you are
> creating all this badness for tmux. 
> Does no one check your work? It would make tmux all the better for it!!

My apologies to you and to anyone else who might feel my contributions to
tmux are not as good as they could be, but I don't feel as though I need to
justify this in the slightest.  I am equally as puzzled as to why you think
there's no review process.  There is, and that's one of the most pleasurable
parts about this project -- the review!  Contrary to your own observations,
my code always undergoes review because I do not have a commit-bit to the
OpenBSD repository to make such changes -- and perhaps more importantly tmux
is not my project, I only help out where/when I can, and see fit to do so.

Note as well that off-list. NicM and I are quite often banding about patches
between one another for peer-review/opinions, etc.  So I am often involved
indirectly in features I myself did not write.  That's actually quite a high
privilege in my eyes, that I'm able to help out like that.  It should show
some level of maturity and trust in the fact that I can make a positive
impact to this project; and that justifying this to you for your own
misunderstandings about my work on this project, is rather insulting.

My involvement in this project is quite minimal; all things considered, and
to think otherwise that I might have caused this much harm seems somewhat
disproportionate.  How you've picked up on this and singled me out is even
more puzzling.


-- Thomas Adam

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