One problem that this solved for me, apart from performance, was
easier access to options, and the ability to store private data
associated with the session. For instance, one thing i use Lua for is
to implement a "raw" mode:

local norm_prefix = tmux.string_to_key("C-a")
local norm_prefix2 = tmux.string_to_key("M-/")
local alt_prefix = tmux.string_to_key("M-]")
function raw_on()
   local s = tmux.current_session()
   s:setopt("set-titles-string", "[RAW #S:#I] #T")
   s:setopt("prefix", alt_prefix)
   s:setopt("prefix2", alt_prefix)
   tmux.set("status", "off")
   s.is_raw = true
function raw_off()
   local s = tmux.current_session()
   tmux.set("status", "on")
   s.is_raw = false
function ctrl_q()
   local s = tmux.current_session()
   if s.is_raw then

Then in tmux.conf:

bind-key -n C-q lcall ctrl_q
bind-key = lcall raw_off
bind-key g lcall raw_on

Then, if i press C-a g, the current client goes into "raw" mode: it
changes the prefix key to something I don't use, and turns off the
status bar. This is helpful if I ssh to another system from within
tmux, then run tmux on the remote system - I can use tmux naturally on
the remote system. When I want to escape "raw" mode, I press C-q. If
I'm not in raw mode, C-q is passed through.

Without Lua, I would have to bind C-q to run a shell script, which
makes it difficult to determine if the current session is in "raw"
mode: it would have to run "tmux show-options | grep prefix" and parse
the output, calling either "tmux set-option" or "tmux send" based on
the result. Either way, this is a minimum of three extra processes
launching every time I press C-q. When I ran this on my Nokia N900,
there was a perceptible delay.

The status highlighting, which could easily be separated from the Lua
patch, also helps if I run nested tmux sessions - it tells me which
tmux instance I'm about to send a command to.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Thomas Adam <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 8 August 2013 21:53, Jared Stafford <> wrote:
>> A while ago I wrote a patch for tmux to add Lua support. This adds a
>> bit more flexibility and performance over writing a shell script that
>> just runs tmux commands; for instance, you can have lua code that runs
>> when a window or session is created or destroyed:
> Can you please look at this and related threads:
> Because using that as a starting point for potentially using a
> scripting language would be easier than your approach, since it's more
> generic.
> I don't disagree with your ideals though, but there's much more
> thought that needs going in to adding in support for hooks---and
> unfortunately while your work helps a little, isn't the full story.
> Note that even if my solution does end up being the one that's used, I
> am still in two minds whether or not adding native support for a
> direct scripting language is worthwhile when you always have the
> ability to just exec some other binary such as lua or python from
> whichever hook is invoked at the time.
> Note that on my GitHub account is an example branch of using Lua
> against the proposed hook support I've outlined, and is significantly
> less work than the amount of Lua-specific code you've needed to write.
> With hook support you need to be very very careful not to add code
> bloat, which is why I'm still leaning towards just using sh(1) as the
> basis.
> But it's not my decision to make.
> -- Thomas Adam

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