Shells in tmux are started out of nothing, not from another shell, so
using login shells is the right thing to do.

You can change it by setting default-command.

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 04:21:30PM +0300, Lauri Tirkkonen wrote:
> Hi,
> tmux seems to start user shells always as login shells in new windows.
> Why? I would expect it not to because no other terminal program I know
> of does this -- it can make the behavior quite unexpected on some
> systems (eg. new windows always print motd, reinitialize environment
> variables, etc. and whatever the administrator of the system has
> configured for login shells).
> This seems to be intended and from what I can see is not configurable
> either: window.c:890:
>     /* No command; fork a login shell. */                                     
>     if (ptr != NULL && *(ptr + 1) != '\0')                                    
>             xasprintf(&argv0, "-%s", ptr + 1);                                
> So why does it do this? I'm aware of the use-case of using tmux as a
> user's login shell, and I guess executing the actual shell as login
> would make sense in that case, but I don't think it does in others.
> -- 
> Lauri Tirkkonen | +358 50 5341376 | lotheac @ IRCnet
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