On 11-01/22:17, ping song wrote:
> this looks an issue for me:
> say you open vim from within one of the pane.
> due to the pane width limit your vim wrapped the text to adjust to the width.
> but then you resize the pane - you enlarged it a bit.
> now ideally vim should detect this and be able to adjust the new
> width, re-arrange the text per the new terminal size.
> but this is not the case - VIM always stay with the initial terminal
> width and wrapped the text like that. obviously this is not vim issue
> .
> is there a way to solve this?
> forget me if this is a stupid question.
> thanks.
> regards
> ping

Can you provide a caption showing this behaviour? What you just
described (vim refactoring the text to adjust to a new pane size) is
exactly what happens for me, so I guess either I didn't understood what
you mean, you meant something else or your version of vim is bugged.

Also, please include your versions of vim and tmux.


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