Most shells have a way to specify different init files for interactive
and noninteractive shells (such as setting ENV in .profile for ksh).

Or if you're using a sh-like shell you could do something like this in
the profile:

case "$-" in
        export SHELL_CONFIG_LOADED=1

On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 02:47:20PM +0000, Kaushal wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I use the tmux split-window function only temporarily at times to do some
>    quick selections from a list using percol.
>    Examples:
>    # switch to another session by name
>    bind * S split-window "tmux ls | percol --initial-index `tmux ls | awk
>    '/attached.$/ {print NR-1}'` | cut -d':' -f 1 | xargs tmux switch-client
>    -t"
>    # switch to ANY window in ANY session by name
>    # switch to ANY window in ANY session by name
>    bind * s split-window "tmux ls | cut -d: -f1 | xargs -I SESSION tmux lsw
>    -F 'SESSION:#{window_name}' -t SESSION | percol --initial-index `tmux ls |
>    cut -d: -f1 | xargs -I SESSION tmux lsw -F
>    '___#{session_attached}#{window_active}___' -t SESSION | awk '/___11___/
>    {print NR-1}'` | xargs tmux switch-client -t"
>    These work except that when creating a new window, it also load my shell
>    init script.
>    For a new terminal, window, my shell init always loads a bunch of
>    environment manipulation that I need to run certain company programs when
>    I am actually working in a terminal. I don't need those in the above
>    temporary split-window cases.
>    I can also skip the time consuming environment setup if I can set an env
>    var*SHELL_CONFIG_LOADED before calling split-window.
>    So the questions I have are:
>    - How can I make split-window not load my default shell init (*rc) script?
>    - Alternatively, how can I set an env var*SHELL_CONFIG_LOADED before my
>    shell init gets loaded on doing split-window?
>    Thanks.

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