When upgrading from tmux 1.9a to 2.0, shell commands are no longer executed in 
title strings. For example I have in my .tmux.conf:

set-option -g set-titles-string "#(whoami)@#H: $PWD \"#S\" (#W)#F [#I:#P]”

My title string ends up looking like: #(whoami)@myhostname.local: /Users/lander 

A very nice Stack Overflow user (Barry Gackle) looked at the repo and found 
that the server_client_set_title method now uses format strings and does not 
allow “#()” anymore (as mentioned in commit 
cd9ccbc1e98b48fd8bfb64356664313a8eb1f7b0). I didn’t see this change noted 

This Stack Overflow question identifies the problem in more detail: 

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