Hello Patrick,

The same thing you are trying to do here is already implemented in the
SessionBean class in 5250.

What you should do, I think (and we do it all the time in our ERP systems
based on our own Java Workflow framework for iSeries) is setup a cache of
authentications for the user. When he first tries to access a system by
name, you should get his profile from the cache (userid & password). If its
not there, you should popup you own dialog to ask for, try to authencitcate
the user by using the following code:

      String user = dialog.getUserName();
      String pwd = dialog.getPassword();
      String host = "myhost";
      AS400 as400 = new AS400(host);
      as400.setGuiAvailable(false); // disables all password popping
      as400.authenticate(user, pwd);

      cache.put(name, new User(user.pwd);

When you need a 5250 connection, create a sessinbean, set its properties
and connect. Also set userid and password. Normally the bean allows you to
login automatically by keystroke simulation or by embedding the credentials
in the datastream (for the last to work your as400 must allow this by
setting the system value QRMTSIGN to *VERIFY). The property
bean.setSignonEmbedded() controls how the emulator does the auto signon.
Hope this helps,

|         |           "Patrick Bielen"                |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               |
|         |           Sent by:                        |
|         |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           ceforge.net                     |
|         |                                           |
|         |                                           |
|         |           13/04/2005 09:06                |
|         |           Please respond to               |
|         |           tn5250j-general                 |
|         |                                           |
  |        To:      <tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net>                     
  |        cc:                                                                  
  |        Subject: [Tn5250j-general] JTOpen toolkit and passwords              

Hi  Guys,

It's been a long  time, let's pump up the channel again :-)

I want to discuss  the password-issues again.
As you all know we  have to provide tn5250j or any jython
script we create  with a valid password over and over again.

Since yesterday i  finally saw you're able to provide the
AS400 class  com.ibm.as400.access.AS400 with the
next statement to  keep the password in cache.

AS400.setPasswordCache(1) --> in jython

AS400.setPasswordCache(true) --> in  java

is the statement to  let the jtopen toolkit store the
password in cache.  So if we can change tn5250j
somewhat so that  when we give username and
password for the  first time (for example when we
provide the data for  the first login-session) and then
imediately let  jtopen open an iSeries connection and
also close it right  away then we're sure the password
is in cache, which  means that when we have to open
a new connection to  the iSeries, that we simply can
use the next command  to logon without the password
dialog popping  up...

AS400("as400.stafa.nl",  System.getProperty("user.name"))

On our systems, the  user.name of the windows-box is
the same as the  profile on the iSeries, but for other
users it should be  possible to store the username in
a variable by the  first logon-session. In other words,
if we should do it  that way, and for example create a
variable that hold  the username (read profilename) then
we could just use  AS400("as400.stafa.nl",  ProfileVar)
to open a connection to the iSeries and users are
happy cause they do not have to provide that  freaking
password over and over  again.

What do you guys think about that

The password needs only to be referenced once,  when
we get the logonscreen for the first time and only  then,
so there is no need to store the password into a  variable
like we do for the username, cause the password  is
stored in the cache we do not need a variable for it  and
we are save again in the view of security, cause  you're
not able to obtain the password in any way, except  for
logging in with jtopen cause it stored that password  in
cache the very first time.

If all this above is not clear, read it over and over  again,
and just ask if something is unclear. If this all is  possible
i get new power in mood again, cause i do not have  to
worry anymore about users providing the password  over
and over again, and we can focus on extending  tn5250j
ever further, and programming java, jython and our  iSeries
becomes fun again. Cause that was the only thing  why
i always programmed my apps in VB.NET cause  CA
stored the password in cache also, and you only had  to
provide it once. So think about it and let me  know.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best  Regards,

Patrick Bielen

System-Administrator Stafa Holland  BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java  Programmer

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