Hello Pete,

great to hear some acitivity from this corner.

The screenscraper works for one of our customers and is tailored to their screen layouts. Still have to do some bugfixes for them shortly, so I can send some screenshots on the list to give an idea to what it looks like. We were now discussing internally whether we were going to apply the scraper to our own screens, or build some kind of Swing gui components on top of the stream: a table for a subfile, a label for static text, a textfield for fields etc. The idea is to be able to build swing panels that read and write their data from the screen. The buttons and menu's would call function keys etc to do screen transitions and move to the next swing panel. What do you think? For us it is just to be able to quickly roll out GUIs until we find the time to reengineer the apps in full GUI apps.

The 1200 codepage is provided in JT400. However I can not find the 1208. I wonder however if those are supported if they're not in de toolbox. Or are the numbers provider here not the AS/400 numberings?


Pete Helgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

14/10/2005 15:41

Please respond to

TN5250J List <tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net>
[Tn5250j-general] Checking in on the project

Gee....been kinda quiet around here.  Must mean we are all gainfully
employed and busy?

A couple of questions (just to blow the dust of the list!):

1. Wim, a while back you talked about a screenscraper project you were
involved in that used tn5250j components.  Where are you on that?  I'd
love to know what you are doing in that area since I think tn5250j has
some powerful tools in that would be useful.

2. Also, in general, how hard is it to add code page support,
specifically for 1200 and 1208?  There was a post in midrange.com from
someone looking for an emulator that supported those code pages.  I
didn't see it in the list of supported code pages (not in JT400
either).  I'd like to help this guy out if I could, I just don't know
how difficult it is to support other code pages.


Pete Helgren

P.S. Kenneth are you out there ?  How is it going?

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