Hey all,

On the topic of new stuff, we have extended the hotspot external app
lunching functions to include customizable prefixes and such. I have
attached the code if anyone is interested in checking out out. Maybe if it
is useful to other we could get it into cvs? There is a text

Thanks and hope things can get rolling again soon. I think the web5250 is
a promising project as well. I know we could use it.

Also if Kenneth is listing, could you contact me off list. I may have a
near future solution for semi permanent access to a 400 for testing
tn5250j. We just need to get our new machine partitioned and move the old
env to the new machine.

Best regards,
| Richard Houston                  .^.     |
| R.L.H.  Consulting               /V\     |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    /(   )\   |
| WWW     <www.rlhc.net>          ^^-^^    |

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