Tom Collins wrote:

On Feb 21, 2005, at 9:03 PM, Chris Moody wrote:

I have a pretty low-throughput system, but it shows 2332 messages sitting in the queue. They are all to bogus addresses....from bogus addresses....and go nowhere.

If they are for bogus local addresses, running the chkuser patch (as you mentioned in your own followup) is your solution.

If they are to and from bogus remote addresses, then you have a problem -- you're an open relay of some sort. If you're running SMTP, make sure you have it configured correctly so that it doesn't just accept ANY user/password for authentication. If bogus messages are getting injected via SMTP AUTH, you can look at the headers to determine the address used for authentication (look at the first Received header your system generates).

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin:  Vpopmail:
You don't need a laptop to troubleshoot high-speed Internet:

I'm not running SMTP auth. All my SMTP is controlled specifically via tcp.smtp or relay-ctrl managed ip addresses. The strange thing is that these messages do not seem to deliver...just sit in my queue and build up over time.

I have experienced this behavior with a debian based (built to the -letter-) install of the toaster and also via a gentoo-based variant of the same setup.

I'm researching a greylisting solution as well at the moment.

Thank you for input.  Any more feedback from others is appreciated as well.


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