Well, last night we switched one of our larger mailservers from qmail-scanner/fsavd to simscan/clamd and the improvement was dramatic. CPU usage fell from an average of 60% to less than 10% and the load average dropped from 3.00 to 4.00 down to .80 to 1.40. We would always have 4 or 5 Perl processes showing on top and they are gone.

We'll wait a day of so and then convert the other mailservers.

At 01:03 AM 2/22/2005, you wrote:
Jeff Koch wrote:
It's been almost a year since I installed my last toaster and I see that Bill is now using simscan and clamav instead of qmail-scanner. What do you all think about simscan? - have you seen a substantial reduction in server load and cpu load?
I would love some opinions - we have four mailservers running with loads that are higher than we'd like and it would be easy to switch them over to simscan if the benefit is there.

There is some _benefits_, but I still recommed more cpu/memory power instead of it...


Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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