On Feb 21, 2005, at 8:25 PM, Jeff Koch wrote:
It's been almost a year since I installed my last toaster and I see that Bill is now using simscan and clamav instead of qmail-scanner. What do you all think about simscan? - have you seen a substantial reduction in server load and cpu load?

I would love some opinions - we have four mailservers running with loads that are higher than we'd like and it would be easy to switch them over to simscan if the benefit is there.

I stopped using qmail-scanner a long time ago because of its high overhead and serious bugs (in early version). I started using qscanq to block incoming viruses, and qmail-spamc to do spam scoring with SpamAssassin. Unfortunately, I had to add extra programs to delete especially spammy messages from users' mailboxes.

I've been very pleased with the results of replacing qscanq and qmail-spamc with simscan. I now reject 50% of the email coming to my server (spam score 10+) at the SMTP level. vdelivermail doesn't have to run, I don't have to run extra programs to throw the mail out, and I have the benefit of a reject (5xx response) instead of mail just disappearing.

My only concern is how reliable simscan is. Is it possible for mail to be lost if simscan (or clamav or spamassassin) fails?

QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/ Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
You don't need a laptop to troubleshoot high-speed Internet: sniffter.com

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