Thanks for responding,
Every time I think I'm getting close I run into something else that
doesn't work. Probably quicker the other way.
Thanks Again...
> Hi Doug,
> I had the same problem before. First I tried to make a copy of the
> service related directories and files to the "slave" server and tried to
> start the service. After lots of errors and gave up.
> I solved doing exactly what you thought ... I installed on the new
> server the qmail, vpopmail, etc and after that I did the rsync of
> /home/vpopmail, /var/qmail, etc.
> Maybe someone else had the same problem and got a better solution ...
> guys?
> Hutger.
>> Is there a list of files and directories anywhere that lists what should
>> be copied when creating a rsync mirror. I tried sending the backup
>> server
>> /var/qmail /home/vpopmail but I'm getting errors. I got courier up and
>> running by following the errors and coping files over but that seemd to
>> be
>> a lost cause. Would it be better to install qmail then do the rsync of
>> /home/vpopmail and /var/qmail?
>> Thanks in advance..

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