I gave that a try this morning and qmail worked just fine, BUT, it didn't
recognize any of the domains or users. What I'm trying to do, just in case
it isn't obvious, is rsync to a backup server that can take over if the
first one comes tumbling down. I'm using ucarp to change the IP and http,
mysql and php work great. Qmail on the other hand has been less than
> Hutger H. wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> I had the same problem before. First I tried to make a copy of the
>> service related directories and files to the "slave" server and tried to
>> start the service. After lots of errors and gave up.
>> I solved doing exactly what you thought ... I installed on the new
>> server the qmail, vpopmail, etc and after that I did the rsync of
>> /home/vpopmail, /var/qmail, etc.
>> Maybe someone else had the same problem and got a better solution ...
>> guys?
>> Hutger.
> Regarding data, the main things you want to back up are:
> /var/qmail/users
> /var/qmail/control
> /home/vpopmail/domains
> You do NOT want to copy /var/qmail/queue, as the queue's files are tied
> tied to inode numbers on the disk.  There is a script available that can
> renumber the queue files, but in my experience, it didn't work and the
> queue was corrupted.
> Regards,
> Bill

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