Thanks for the help. Splitting out the spam scanning was quite easy (as you indicated).

I added the following switch to the ./configure on simscan --enable-spamc-args="-d 10.x.x.x,"

Which allows spamc to call the remote machine and still use the localhost as a fallback in case something goes wrong.

Of course I had to set up spamassassin on the remote machine, which requires the switches -i 10.x.x.x to allow it to listen on the interface and -A 10.x.x.y to allow the mail server to query it.

After all that, it seems to be working ok. However, I do get this in the logs.

spamd: handle_user unable to find user: 'clamav'

And I notice that in the original toaster, my spamd was reporting queries from the individual vpopmail users. Now everything is reporting as being queried by clamav. I don' think this is causing a problem, but want to make sure I'm not losing any email. All the test messages seem to work properly.



Bill Shupp wrote:
On Apr 24, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Harm van Tilborg wrote:

Hi Bill,

What exactly is the benefit of using clamd-stream-client?

What we do is we have seperate boxes that receive e-mail (6 systems in total), which are announced as four different MX hosts. They all do spam (spamassassin) and virus (clam) scanning, and forward e-mail (if it contains no viruses, and a spam score lower then 15) to the MTA servers.

If such MX servers (as we call it) fails, there are 5 servers left to replace this one. So concurrency is quite spread out. However, MTA servers are all single, we are still looking for a good solution to this...

It just depends how you want to scale your infrastructure. By segregating scanning from smtp, you can put more horsepower behind the scanning segment, and less behind the smtp part. So I think it's more flexible. But it's also more complex than what you're doing. However, if you're using NFS for chkuser lookups, your method might be more taxing on the NFS box. Both solutions will likely work fine, though.



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