if its taking time to load up. something tells me its your spamd/clamd

check your logs when you restart next time. /var/log/qmail/current (as per LWQ installation) if you see any of those permerrors and such, then theres a good chance its clamd. The old versions USED to take a while to start up.

John Harmon wrote, On 5/1/2008 12:09 AM:
SYMPTOMS/ISSUE: 1. Occassionaly cannot send mail through mail client over smtp to the server. If you wait 10-15 minutes it will typically work again. 2. NEVER an issue if sending from within a browser. 3. After reboot server wont allow email clients to send email. After 20 minutes or so it starts allowing things through (but has problem #1 occassionaly (daily)).

See the information below:

openSuse 10.2 x86 kernel
2.5 GB RAM
followed shupp.org/toaster roughly 1.5 years ago (only missing his latest update)
Server is not under any load as seen here:

mail:/etc # vmstat 1 4
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu---- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa 0 0 0 1991284 35944 328968 0 0 114 64 168 83 34 1 60 5 0 0 0 1991284 35948 329000 0 0 4 0 306 68 0 0 99 1 0 0 0 1991284 35948 329000 0 0 0 0 276 65 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1991284 35972 329000 0 0 0 24 285 61 0 0 100 0

ZERO zombie processes.


mail:/var/log/qmail/smtpd # cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming

Number of connections at the time this issue occurred (varies):  30
That number includes LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, CLOSING, and other states.


The following is my smtp log during a failed send:

@400000004818b7b90a7e264c tcpserver: pid 5638 from
@400000004818b7b90a7e2e1c tcpserver: ok 5638 0: : @400000004818b7b912f120f4 CHKUSER accepted sender: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <[]:unknown:> rcpt <> : sender accepted @400000004818b7b914d3fe3c CHKUSER relaying rcpt: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <[]:unknown:> rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : client allowed to relay
@400000004818b7b9193f0d04 connect(): No such file or directory
@400000004818b7ba09209604 tcpserver: end 5638 status 0
@400000004818b7ba0920a5a4 tcpserver: status: 3/120

@400000004818ba580b06691c tcpserver: pid 6861 from
@400000004818ba580b080344 tcpserver: ok 6861 0: : @400000004818ba581372e79c CHKUSER accepted sender: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <[]:unknown:> rcpt <> : sender accepted @400000004818ba58155ab29c CHKUSER relaying rcpt: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <[]:unknown:> rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : client allowed to relay
@400000004818ba58281884cc tcpserver: end 6861 status 0
@400000004818ba5828191554 tcpserver: status: 8/120
@400000004818ba5a00944ecc tcpserver: status: 9/120


From the LAN traces (both server and client-side):
Response:  451 mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)


mail:/var/log/qmail/smtpd # qmailctl stat

/service/qmail-send: up (pid 4851) 754 seconds
/service/qmail-send/log: up (pid 4861) 754 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd: up (pid 4852) 754 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd/log: up (pid 4856) 754 seconds
messages in queue: 6
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
mail:/var/log/qmail/smtpd # ----------------------------------------------------

I saw other threads on the LAN trace reject message, and tried what they had to say, but they made no difference. Overall, the system looks healthy, and I can't tell why it does this. I thought I might have been running out of concurrent incoming smtp connections, so I bumped that up to 120 (as shown above). That made no difference either. The only thing I have that gives me any possible clues is the smptd log. In the FAILURE EXAMPLE I see this "connect(): No such file or directory"

I have no idea how to troubleshoot this issue beyond what I have done. Please help.


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