Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold wrote:
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:39:41 -0600, John Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I saw other threads on the LAN trace reject message, and tried what they
had to say, but they made no difference.  Overall, the system looks
healthy, and I can't tell why it does this.  I thought I might have been
running out of concurrent incoming smtp connections, so I bumped that up
to 120 (as shown above).  That made no difference either.  The only
thing I have that gives me any possible clues is the smptd log.  In the
FAILURE EXAMPLE I see this "connect(): No such file or directory"

connect() errors are usually indicative of problems with clamav.  You can
try disabling simscan temporarily to see if the problem goes away.  If it
does, there's your problem.

How to fix it is another story...  Take a look at the clamd logs for hints
on what's happening.  It may also be that certain directories are missing,
or unwriteable.  Make sure your /var/qmail/simscan directory has the
correct permissions and ownership.

I have no idea how to troubleshoot this issue beyond what I have done.
Please help.


Thanks for the reply. I will test that out along with the other gentleman's suggestion on clam (for the reboot issue); however, I don't know how to disable simscan (doesn't appear to be a normal /etc/init.d service from what I can see). Can you tell me how?



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