[...this un-lurking is getting habit-forming...]

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> What would you think about using a JNDI DirContext as a representation of the
> resources available to a web application?  The idea would be to use directory
> entry attributes for the commonly used information like "last modified date" and
> "number of bytes in this resource", rather than Java properties.  We'd want to
> standardize on attribute names to be used (perhaps starting from the File
> directory context already available with JNDI) so that the rest of the servlet
> container can access them.  Obviously, this would be a per-webapp structure, just
> like the naming context for <env-entry> and <resource-entry> things is.  In fact
> ... maybe it could even be a subcontext of that very same context ...


 I think that the *option* for Catalina to interact with a larger
namespace is a Good Idea, but my experiments with JNDI implementations
show these to be rather heavyweight systems.

OK, so a relational database is heavyweight, too... hmm.

I am working on RDF indexes of web content, and am planning a WebDAV
properties store thingy that might use Guha's RDFdb.

OK, I suppose a JNDI thing is the same design pattern. FWIW, I say go
for it...


Boyd Waters                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Radio Astronomy Observatory              http://www.nrao.edu
PO Box 0 Socorro, NM 87801                               505.835.7346

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