>And we, as the newly formed Apache Software Foundation,
>accepted that code
>in donation as a point of start for the Jakarta Project. I was
>there, in
>that meeting room, that day when we outlined how the process would have
>evolved, with Jon, Stefano and Brian. And I was there, on
>stage at JavaONE,
>when Patricia Sueltz announced the spinoff of the project
>againg with Jon,
>Stefano and Brian. If that has been a wrong decision, we four
>are the people
>to blame...
Please, nobody is to blame. You and others have made Tomcat a credible
alternative to PRODUCTS like WebSphere or WebLogic.
Sun give code to the Apache Foundation and whatever the original code
was (design, coding, ...) you have made it involving and it's certainly
better now that before.
>> None of this is the case for any current release of Tomcat.
>In particular,
>> I personally do not feel like I am being denied an opportunity to
>> contribute to Tomcat 3.2.2, 3.3, or 4.0.
>And let's consider that Catalina is the good old Apache-JServ
>2.0 who was
>never released... I believe that for all of us who started this thing
>Catalina is our little child. At that time none of us were
>paid to work on
>Servlet Engines, what happened later has a very small relevance...
Nobody say that Cataline/JServ2 is a bad piece of software.
The original thread as derived since I and others 3.x commiters
just want to see Tomcat 3.3 code to be evolution of 3.2.
I never say that TC 3.3 is better than TC 4.0/JServ 2.0, I just say
that TC 3.3 is much more easier to understand than 3.2 and since it
didn't require a JDK 1.2, it will be much more suited for low end
configuration. Costin (certainly an old assembler hacker) have done
a great job in optimizing many area of the code. It will be a pitty
to see this works trashed.
>Yes, I now work at Sun, and let me tell you guys, it's fucking
>fun. I'm not
>working there because I like Sun, or I'm a Sun fanatic. Yes, I
>use Solaris,
>but I'd rather work at Apple if it was for my preference. They
>were simply
>the right kids with the right offer at the right time... Can
>you blame Sun
>for that? I can't, they saved my butt as an Open Source
>developer, paying me
>to work on what I wanted to (shit, why Apple is not interested
>in Tomcat?)
Sun has hired the right developpers for the right project. May be
OpenSource will became also a good way for corporations to detect
talentuous peoples. The question is not why didn't Apple contact you
but why didn't IBM or WebLogic didn't try to hire you ;-)))
>And let me tell you that hiring me and Craig was probably their worst
>mistake, as we don't shut up and say "yes" to whatever our
>managers say.
>Actually, it's all the way around, we make so much noise that
>Jim sometimes
>hates us :) :) We're open source developers first...
When you hire in a cooporation an OpenSource fellow, you hire
more than one developper, you hire a community ;-)
At least IBM and Sun have understood that.
I hope that will be the end of this thread.
But as a side effect I notice that many people offers to help
on TC 3.2 or 3.3, and some goes commiters.
Long life to Apache Foundation.
Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year to all of you ;-)