Sam Ruby wrote:

> > This will get finalized at the PMC meeting I'm
> > sure, but as far as I see it, we had an agreement
> > within the group that the future would be Catalina
> > and the compromise hasn't been made yet and I'm
> > calling attention to the fact that people are
> > ignoring what we decided upon earlier.
> Can somebody point me to the mail archives where this decision was made?
> What I can find is
> Which states:
>    The existing jakarta-tomcat module is proposed to continue as it
>    currently exists (except for being renamed), for use in supporting the
>    Tomcat 3.x code for as long as this is appropriate.
> As near as I can tell, people are disagreeing now on either what the
> definition of support is, or what is and what is not appropriate.  My guess
> is that there was not a meeting of the minds on these two issues.

The message chain that started the voting on accepting Catalina as the code base for 
4.0 had a subject line
"[PROPOSALS] Three Proposals for Development of Tomcat 4.0", and was sent to 
TOMCAT-DEV on August 8, 2000.  You can
find the head of this thread at:


The proposal references the CVSweb link you have identified above as justification for 
creating a new CVS repository
(rather than continuing to use a "proposals" directory underneath the existing 
"jakarta-tomcat" repository.  The
rationale for the "Catalina as Tomcat 4.0 servlet container" proposal is available at:


and a third proposal related to Jasper development is at:


> - Sam Ruby


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