on 12/28/2000 01:02 AM, "Jon Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> on 12/27/2000 3:42 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > <http://w6.metronet.com/~wjm/tomcat/2000/Aug/index.html#00195>
> I remember this now as I was late on my response! :-)
> Where is Costin's response? He is the *only* person who didn't respond.
> Hmmmmmmmm...........
> I also see _tons_ of +1's and zero -1's. Therefore, one can conclude that
> the direction is clear. We just need to execute on it.
> p.s. I also find this paragraph from Nacho very interesting...
> <http://w6.metronet.com/~wjm/tomcat/2000/Aug/msg00253.html>
> "i will prefer that when tomcat-4.0 come to life as Tomcat 4.0 change the
> old Tomcat to "jakarta-tomcat-3.0" and then change "jakarta-tomcat-4.0"
> to main as "jakarta-tomcat" this no much complicated for us and is far
> better the average user, there are only one "MAIN" line in development."
> So, what I'm proposing and complaining about is *exactly* what Nacho stated
> that he wanted to see. Hmmmmmmmm..........

Yes and maybe he now sees it otherwise!
Like you did a few hours after you wrote this in your "Fuck It" mail:

"I give up. All of my previous -1 votes are now +1. Have fun."

I would not call what your doing now "giving up".

Could you please please please "give up" now.
Why don't you concentrate on commiting stuff for 4.0 instead of picking on Costin and 
In the last 80 days you have done 6 commits but send 153 other mails. Even though many 
of them where ok, many of them where negative and nonconstructive, like "I keep 
looking at this code and realizing how bad it is. :-(" and so on. I don't see you are 
doing much good for the Jakarta projekt rigth now. 
Please change track: Make code not war :-).

Casper Gjerris

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