on 1/5/2001 9:58 PM, "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1/6/2001 at 3:58 AM Paulo Gaspar wrote:
>> Some of the things that Tomcat is said to support (like SSL,
> embedding  and extending Tomcat) require a load of investigation FROM
> EACH PERSON that tries to use it because there is not even a good
> pointer on where to start digging.
> It would be helpful if the FAQ-O-MATIC actually worked; then those of
> us with a documentation itch could scratch in peace. But I'm told
> there's no ETA on that. As it stands, I just try to muddle through with
> my own Struts resource page at
> < http://husted.com/about/struts/  >

Well, the other day someone actually volunteered to make it work. They were
promptly given an account on the apache.org box with full access to what
they need to make it happen.

You could have volunteered.


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