--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> No, the overhead of using a servlet to invoke the 
> jsp page is significant ( at least in my tests 
> is shows a big difference ).
> JspInterceptor does a simple thing - after the 
> jsp page is compiled to a servlet, the servlet 
> will be "registered" to tomcat ( as if it was
>  declared in web.xml ) and after that all 
> invocations to the jsp page are identical with
> invocations for servlets ( with one exception -
> jsp_precompile param must be read on each request 
> and if present, the request shouldn't be
> executed - that's the spec ).

This almost implies some special behavior on the part
of the base HttpJspPage class (i.e. 'JspBase') used to
build the jsp servlet.  Is that so?  Is there any
problem for jsp pages that use the <%@page
extends=...> tag that don't extend
org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspBase but rather instead
(as per spec) simply implement

One of the things that really gripes me about the
WebLogic JSP servlet engine and JSP compiler is that
it has dependencies on the proprietary base class used
to generate JSP servlets. There are a lot of problems
with this so I hope that we don't send tomcat/jasper
down that road.

> Try it yourself, send back the results :-)
> ( ab -n 10000 -c 80 http://localhost:8080/foo.jsp 
> with JspInterceptor in both modes ).
> ( useJspServlet means JspInterceptor will do
> nothing,
> just return ).
> ( of course, you can compare 3.3 with JspInterceptor
> with
> 3.2.1 without it - but there are other factors in
> that)

It looks like I'll need to get the 3.3 version to try
this out! :-)

Thanks again, Costin.


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