--- Glenn Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is no need for all this complexity to generate
> a package name
> in the new Jasper.

Hmmm... compared to the gobbledy-gook that was being
done before, I'd hardly call what I did complex. 
Aside from options, all it does is very simply asign
the JSP page a package name based on it's directory
hierarchy and place the .java and .class files in same
- this is consistant with strict java naming

 The way jasper now loads jsp
> pages, each page is
> completely isolated from all other pages.  Every jsp
> page compiled 
> could be a class named "org.apache.jsp.MyJSP"
> without
> any concern whatsoever about conflicts because each
> individual page
> has its own class loader. 

Ah, I see, you avoid file-level conflicts by placing
the generated code into separate directory paths, even
though the package names (currently) do not reflect
the directory locations.  Yup, that should work,
although i wouldn't say it is any less complex and I
don't think it is consistent with standard java
package/directory naming conventions.

> The new jasper makes it very easy to find and view
> the java source for
> a translated jsp page, it is located in 
> work/somehost/someapp/some/context/path/MyJSP.java.

Does it not seem logical to assign a package to the
MyJSP class based on all or part of the above path?

This may seem like esthetics, I suppose.  Not
something we should get stressed about.

What you've done is a great improvement over what was
there.  Does it work with tc 3.3?


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