> The Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES environment variable is a colon-seperated
> of package prefixes.  However, when I set this environment variable to
> "org.jnp.interfaces:org.apache.naming" and attempt to get a Context;
>   Context ctx = new InitialContext().lookup("java:/comp");
> The lookup fails with:
> javax.naming.ConfigurationException: Provider URL missing
>     at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.checkRef(NamingContext.java:702)

> However, when I set this environment variable to
> "org.apache.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"
> The lookup succeeds!
> "org.jnp.interfaces" only contains one class and that is
> "org.jnp.interfaces.jnp.jnpURLContextFactory".
> It seems to me that the lookup code is not correctly parsing the
> Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES environment variable.

It looks like the JNP InitialContext has a custom way to retrieve URL
It's supposed to call NamingManager.getURLContext (see the
javax.naming.InitialContext source code for more details).


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