Remy Maucherat writes:

> > Remy Maucherat writes:
> >
> > > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > >
> > > > I am trying to make the <ejb-link> use jnp://ttt1:1099/EJBresource
> work.
> > >
> > > So it doesn't work either the other way around ?
> > No: ...
> > When I call 'lc = (Context)ctx.lookup("jnp://");' in any
> > form, I get "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jnp: is not
> >                         bound in this Context"
> > When I encode the URL in the <ejb-link> I get
> > "javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance"
> I did some testing on this.
> The integrated ENC was running fine even if the JNP URL prefix was appended
> before org.apache.naming (I had put jnpserver.jar in common/lib).
> However, trying to resolve a jnp: URL always failed :-(
> It could be a classloader problem after all. Where did you put the jnp JAR
> and its dependencies (if any) ?

I placed a link to jnp-client.jar in file:/usr/java/jdk1.3/jre/lib/ext/.
When I reference the libraries via InitialContext(env) as:
            Hashtable env = new Properties();
            Context jb = new InitialContext(env);
Everything is found and works correctly.

However, reference via ctx.lookup("jnp....") always fails.

BTW, Even when I remove the jnp-client.jar from lib/ext, the InitialContext
lookup works.  

> Remy

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