
I'm sure I wont have enough time to take over Jasper for 3, but I may find some
time to help out.  I'll try to take a look after I wrap up some other stuff.


"Ignacio J. Ortega" wrote:
> Hola a todos:
> There are so many Tomcat 3/Jasper bugs and the component itself assigned
> to Justyna Horward, it seems Justyna will not do much to help us with
> 3.X, if nobody complaints, if nobody complaints i will make somebody
> responsible of that component...( myself as a last resort to contact
> reporters at least )
> Who wants to volunteer to own the Jasper component on Tomcat 3?
> Casey,  Mel or Marc perhaps?
> Another issue on bugzilla, It's time for creating the 3.3 version on
> bugzilla? I think people does not know where to put the bugs relate dto
> 3.3, and it's starting to use unknown for 3.3 .., with 2 milestones out
> in the wild, we can think on add 3.3 version to Bugzilla, if nobody
> complaints i will do that tomorrow.
> Any comments will be highly appreciatted...
> Saludos ,
> Ignacio J. Ortega

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