On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Ignacio J. Ortega wrote:

> better.., not only 4.0.. This are really great news, but i continue
> thinking it's better to spread resposabilities a s much a we can, and
> bugzilla components are a great way to spread such resposabilities..

A big +1 !

Henri and Dan are a perfect example of what happens when more than one
person is working on a component. 
I don't think the goal is to fix all the bugs and improve a piece of code,  
but improve ourself and learn from other people - and for that we need
more people to work with on each component. 

Right now tomcat(3.3) is in a decent state, at least for performance and
stability - I think jasper needs a bit more attention and maybe a bit of


> Thanks all good responses to my cal, this are really great news too !!!
> many thanks .. i'm glad to learn and work with all of you..all
> Saludos ,
> Ignacio J. Ortega

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