on 4/4/01 3:55 PM, "Brad Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Glad that change made it in. DDJ wanted "Just say no to HTML". Arggh.


>> I'm so happy to see that more and more people are waking up to the fact that
>> JSP is bad. I'm also happy to see you worry about form validation issues.
>> That is a problem that we are currently solving in Turbine right now. It is
>> called "Intake". :-)
> I'll try to make some time to check that out.

I find it funny that you decided to group Turbine and Velocity and Webmacro
into this big statement about (Yet another language) yet you didn't even
really check it out first. That is bad journalism IMHO.

> Sigh. Yet another typo. I really thought we'd caught them all.

Those are just the spelling mistakes...there are plenty of other typo's in
that article.

>> #1. Confused "Turbine" with "add programming language features to HTML".
>> #2. Confused "WebMacro" and thus Velocity with "add programming language
>> features to HTML".
>> If you spend time with the products, you would see that isn't the case and
>> you might actually retract your statements.
> You've touched a nerve here. This is the amount of time that gets
> consumed installing web based infrastructures.

What does that have to do with any of the above? In fact, if you really take
the time looking at Velocity, you will see that we have included complete
documentation (written by a professional tech writer), numerous working
examples, demo Velocity applications bundled with both versions of Tomcat
all ready to go, etc.

Yes, Turbine needs more work on the examples and documentation front, but it
isn't a released product yet (we plan on a JavaOne release) and will
definitely have much improved documentation and examples before we release.

We are also putting a huge amount of effort into creating a Turbine EE
system that is a bundle of everything you need to get started. It is called
the Turbine Developers Kit (TDK).

[rant removed]

> I'd be grateful to hear them when you get a moment.

I'd be grateful if you would take the time to investigate our solutions (ie:
Velocity and Turbine) before you bash them or decide that they are not


Maybe your next article can be about how much you like Velocity and/or



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