>damn!  i wasn't expecting that complex of an answer ;)

The difficulty is in the difference between TC 3.2/3.3 and 4.0
and the how the connector are written. They're just to highly
linked in the tomcat core !
>> If you wanted to cheat (fine with me!), you could cut this 
>feature out for
>> now, and get ajp13 working *without* load-balancing (still 
>useful), document
>> that fact, and return to it later (or beg for help to fix it 
>once you get
>> everything else working).  To do that, just have TC ignore 
>whatever jvmroute
>> is sent over.  Everything but load-balancing should still 
>work just fine.

If you have java ajp13 works in non-balancing mode, you've done
the hardest part !

>that's what i've decided to do.  my goal is to first get 
>things working,
>at least minimally, then i (or someone else) can address load-balancing
>later.  my gut feeling, though, after spending some time on ajp13 and
>tomcat 4 is it's certainly possible.  of course, i'm pretty new to the
>whole tomcat 4 architecture, so i could be way off :)
>thanks for the info.
>btw, i've got ajp13/tomcat 4 about half working (probably the easy

Could you send the code, we're interest (at least I) ;)

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