
We are thinking of embedding TomCat4.0  in our app server. We have
limited number of top level directories and want to rearrange the TomCat
files in that directory structure.

Specifically we want the common/lib to be present as lib/common and
server/lib to be present as lib/server. This will reduce the top level
directories from three (lib, server, common) to just one.

Here are a few options that are available to me. Can you folks suggest a
good one for this situation?

1. Make the change only in our copy of bootstrap.java and remember to do
this change each time we get a new version of tomcat from apache.

2. Make the directory names configurable by adding 2 more variables
CATALINA_SERVER_LIB and CATALINA_COMMON_LIB and contribute the change
back to apache.

3. Assume that reducing top level directories is a good idea in general,
do the change suggested in #1 above and contribute it back to apache.


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